Thanks John. A sobering and frightening post describing a cruel mindset of the elite.

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The rich and powerful don't care what you think. They don't care what you say. They DO care what you (may) do. If "doing" means obeying the narrative and consuming their products then they continue smile when the bank statements arrive. But, they become VERY alarmed if "doing" means "don't"; such as DO NOT COMPLY and DO NOT BUY!! Dwindling profit margins are their worst news.

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Where/how do you propose that the people who do not buy and do not comply obtain their food and shelter and clothing and medicines etc. etc.?

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We all must endeavour to become critically discerning of authoritarian rulers. Becoming self-reliant will be difficult for many I know, but those who can grow their own food, be personally responsible for maintaining good health and recognising that a lot of the "stuff" we accumulate is not necessary for existence, will survive. Perhaps we should look to how the Amish achieve this. Everyone should check to see where natural remedies can safely replace addictive and dangerous big pharma "medications". Maybe we need to form citizen collectives and community gardens and convert to a local bartering system of distributing excess food production. I see Norway has rejected the CBCD farce in favour of a cash economy. Soon we will need to totally reconsider our attitudes to petrol powered travel. It may sound woo woo to some but I believe that the good times are about to end and we will have to fend for ourselves in a co-operative manner rather than relying on incompetent government agencies.

BTW have you seen how the citizens have responded to the hurricane crisis in the Carolinas? Their activities far surpass the feeble response by Biden and his FEMA. Same for Lahaina. A radical re-think of how we live and what we can expect is required NOW!

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You write, "Becoming self-reliant will be difficult for many I know,..." How do you propose dealing with that HUGE problem?

Keep in mind that the have-nots are prevented from using most of the land and resources (to serve the needs of the have-nots) by the armed forces that enforce the claims of the rich to own the land and resources and use them to serve the desires of the rich instead of the have-nots.

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