Whilst the political angle is indeed very crucial knowledge to be gained i find it a total shame that in order to make your point you find it appropriate to “in a sense” ridicule and dismiss the moral obligation each and everyone of us have as stated by Chris Hedges. Corporations elite group firmly believe they have the right to be immoral to protect their capitalist/imperialism. You have made excellent observations and it would have been more profound if you had dealt with informing the public with facts to strengthen your insight

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Did you read my three linked articles that prove what I said about the anti-Jewish-working-class purpose of Zionist oppression of Palestinians? Those article are how I try to inform the public with facts to strengthen my insight. What else do you suggest I do to inform the public of these facts? I urge people to share my articles and I hope you will do so.

By the way, where in my article do I "dismiss the moral obligation each and everyone of us has..."? My article is about how the obligation we have is to strengthen the anti-Zionism movement, and that simply saying Zionism is immoral does NOT strengthen the anti-Zionism movement. To help you see that this is so, read about how Mossad (or equivalent pro-Zionists) have no problem with people saying Zionism is immoral; they only have a problem with people explaining that it is for the purpose of oppressing, not making safe, working class Israeli Jews; I demonstrate this fact in my article at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-i-believe-jewish-voice-for-peace?r=1iggn .

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As i stated you make excellent and crucial points but diminish it by attacking Chris Hedges. Let yr words speak for themselves as they are correct. It becomes more powerful than to degrade another great journalist and especially someone who is pro-Palestine. Lets not do this divide and conquer as atm out fragile, traumatised brains do not cope. Yr msge is extremely important but instead of comparing the two ;more facts in the article itself would have made it even more powerful. Am not criticising as i agree with yr facts totally but now we need to be united and the more info from all different aspects gives us power. That is what i am trying to convey

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There is in fact a problem with Chris Hedges. I did not attack him. I pointed out the problem. I hope you can appreciated the difference.

Do you agree that there is a problem with Chris Hedges: that he censors the crucial information that is required to turn pro-genocide people into anti-genocide people?

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Tbh i can’t see it in that way. I am still trying to get my head around now that JVP is Mossad operated. So will need some more time to absorb and read again and again. The point you made with what happened to you sounds indeed extremely fishy yet them being at protests i can’t see how that would work in favour of making people not become pro-palestine more? Feels like a boost if nothing else

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Try to think hard about why JVP expelled me. My article about that links to ALL the email exchanges between me and JVP leaders. Decide for yourself what is going on.

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