Thanks a lot, John, for this very clear explanation of what's going on over there. Its a lot like it is here in the U..S., where the rich people who run the country get us involved in war after war in order to distract us from looking at how miserable they've made things for ordinary people here at home.

Here's a letter to the editor published in the Claremont NH Eagle-Times:

"In Cahoots for Never-Ending Violence vs. Working-Class Solidarity for Peace from the River to the Sea

Hamas, the Islamist, terrorist ruling class of Gaza, does not protect ordinary, working-class Palestinians; it hurts them.

Similarly, the billionaire Zionist, terrorist ruling class of Israel does not protect ordinary, working-class Jews; it hurts them.

Each ruling class needs the violence committed by the other, in order to be able to pretend that it is protecting “its” ordinary people from the violence (whereas in fact it is fomenting more violence against them) and divert attention from the fact that it oppresses the ordinary people -– and thus stay in power.

The two ruling classes are working together, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in a symbiotic relationship, hand-in-glove, in cahoots, to keep the horrific violence going, seemingly forever.

The violence will not end until the ordinary, working-class people of Israel/Palestine (whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian, atheist, or none-of-the-above) come together, in class solidarity, to remove the ruling-class terrorists from power.

Only then will peace prevail, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea."

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Thank you, and also thank you for sending a wonderful letter to the editor.

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Very true, class struggle. The Palestinians and the Israeli working class have common interests and a common enemy.

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Yes indeed!

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