I do think we are fallen and that we have allowed our sin to leave us open to manipulation and division, weakening us and making us ever susceptible to those who like to brainwash others, but I do appreciate your expanding on these experiments and showing that they are not as straightforward as the mockingbird media claims! God bless you and may God help us all to prevent this war on Iran that is being ramped up.

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Oh wow. Thank you for this clarification on these experiments. I have more faith in humanity.

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For once only John, I disagree. The whole ConVid hoax was perfect proof of Milgram. Only 23% in the UK refused any vax despite the huge propaganda urging the "moral" reason for taking it. If more people read your articles then they would be better prepared to understand their true status as responsible adults free from the manacles imposed by the elites.

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Some people took the vax and some people did not, but in BOTH cases I think it is reasonable to say that people did what they did because they thought it was the morally right thing to do and not because they just blindly obeyed an authority MERELY because it was the authority. Do you have a different view on this?

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