More Truth Bombs John dropped with accuracy. As always.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by JOHN SPRITZLER

I think you allude to it when you note that "until recently" most of the immigration at the southern border was from MX and Central America - but as I'm sure you know, most of it for the past few years has been from Venezuela, Bolivia, and Guatemala - all countries sanctioned in varying ways and degrees by the US. Also countries subject to nearly constant US-led coup attempts whenever a left-wing government comes to power and presents the perception of a threat to the "Big Money" US interests you discuss. You also likely know that immigration from Mexico (not counting those who come and go, back and forth for employment) is incredibly low now and has been for a while. The pendulum rise and fall effects of the cartels have barely influenced it.

But I agree with you 100%. We can't treat people like vermin and we do have a right to control inflow of people from elsewhere in a humane manner. And the biggest contributor to the inflow is the brutal, draconian sanctions, regime change attempts, economic sabotage (see: Cuba and Venezuela), etc. End that, allow popularly elected leftist governments in Latin America to flourish unmolested, and the problem magically fixes itself. I'd bet any taker $100K on a 10 year wager that if all of it was 'turned off' today, the number of people coming to the US-MX border from Central/South America would be 1/30th of what it is today in July of 2034. Maybe even lower.

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Thank you, and I agree with you.

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