Thanks John. These psychos are determined to inflict the terror of nuclear war on us all.

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It sure sounds to me that these ''Have's' are doing more than trying to create a ɓoogeman to drive us to petition them to come to our rescue for peace. Because now the ɓoogeman is the complete annihilation of the Earth and all of humanity as we know it. Any understanding of their insane actions goes beyond anything reasonable that any 'Have- Not' could possibly comprehend.

But, you'll have to agree.... that their motive is Death to all .... it has always been Death to the 'Have- Not's' , but now it's Death to All... including all living things on this planet.

Their friend Netanyahu has just shown us what that looks like, in Gaza. In contrast to the multitude of lies, mostly thru omission that our own governments mouthpiece's ' the Main Stream Media' are allowing us to know.... Netanyahu is the only one who is telling us and the whole World the Truth.

He is saying in complete Honesty that he is going to KILL and destroy everything and everyone who stands against him.....

And those who are in control of our government are completely behind him.

It's just confusing for us to know who's the Puppet and who's the Puppet Master... him or us.


In any case... the Have's have changed all the rules of their Game with us. Oh ,their still playing the 'Race' card.... their Capitalistic hierarchy card... their Gender cards....

their immigrant card. But now, they just flipped them all to destroy any humanity that the Have- Not's might feel for them.

Immigrants have become the new darlings

of the Have's, Women still hate men, but more now because they want to become women, Capitalist have been given the legal right to force the Have- Not's to finance any

'WIN' they might have made in solidarity with unions with pay increases and basic humane treatment with their 'Have' employers.

But as of yet, the Blacks are still being murdered in cold blood as the Have's will never forgive them for rising up out of the enslavement that they put them in.


So, the real problem is what it has always been.... how do you fight an enemy that acts

completely out of sync with any kind of humanity that we the Have-Nots could comprehend and understand.

War is Peace, Escalate to de-escalate, Man is Woman, Someone must Die so others can live. Everything is systematic Racism.


NUTS... isn't It.

What is the Answer?

Many alternate news commentators are shouting for us to WAKE UP!

Why can't we?

Is it because we took the 'RedPill' as was suggested in the Matrix?

Are we still willing to say "that's just the way it is"


Or is it when we were born into this World...

we were Pure ... made in the design of Our Creator, but were quickly corrupted by those who ruled and turned this world into their Kingdom?.....

So what is totally wrong to us... seems right

because it has always been that way since we can remember.

Why can't we rise up against Evil?

Are we soo afraid of Death?

Death is coming to us all ...whether we want it or not...

They are now promising us Death not to scare us

but to Destroy us in their Final Act of Domination over Us..... God's Children whom they Hate with the upmost passion .

Is it not better to die Standing with Our God than praying to them on our knees to spare us............

You choose......

It is truly the only choice you are given here..

Join with God. or serve the devil

You cannot serve both...

Just saying......

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