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Your so right, John. There is so much confusion, so much contradictions, so much lies and mistrust. People are walking around in a general state of shock, disbelief and hopelessness. The people who said they would help us are hurting us more than the people that they said would hurt us.

Meanwhile, everyday our lives become harder. In contrast, in some kind of psychotic display..... there are murdering people in other lands to show us how much better we are being treated by them.

If you listen to Tulsey Gabbard's latest podcast with Tucker Carlson she describes these elites who are members of both Houses in our legislature , entrenched in both parties,as believing that they are truly gods and it is their right to own the entire world while all others beneath them be damned to live in the hell they created for us.

John, just to again say.... All your articles clearly point out how Deplorable things have become for regular people since the 1960's.

It is like a sadistic joke when people like Bernie Sanders , who was once hailed as the Leader of Our Revolution,has been turned into a Court Jester by the Powerful Elitist. His claim that in " In the "Richest Country in the World", we are being treated like beggars and bums is symbolically humiliated by the fact that there's not a Dam thing he can do about it

I'm a spiritual man. I believe their is a Creator who made us in His likeness. I also believe there exist an evil god who somehow created his children in his image. I studied the history of man my entire life. I followed the paths of money and power that usually explain the evils of the world. But there is always the fact that those who are drawn to those things also carry such a lack of Humanity in themselves.It is that Evil beatitude that separates them from good people. They have no moral compass which allows them to treat people 'Like Dirt' as you say. I don't believe Jesus ever wanted us to believe 'to turn the other cheek' or have sympathy for the devil.

But I do believe Dark Times are upon us and if we do not Stand Up to these devils now... It is the End of Us Forever.. God Be With Us and Deliver us from this evil.

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