Thank you for this contribution, John. Well thought out. I certainly relate to the experience you describe from 1968! There is definitely a sea change regarding the conduct of Israel, and moral outrage has galvanized countless numbers of student and supporters to denounce that literally atrocious behavior, AND official US support for it.

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Bloody brilliant. As usual. Thanks John.

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Thank you.

If you want to do it, I will send you stickers to do what I discuss at https://www.pdrboston.org/why-wear-a-pdr-button . Just email me (spritzler@comcast.net) your postal address and I'll send you some.

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If the land occupied by each existing house were taxed in the same proportion to its value, which must vary considerably, there would be a tendency for those in wealthy areas where the land is costly to pay the most. Since not everybody has the same needs not tallent, this change in the law would eventually sort out those whose earning power was not up to what their property is worth. People are not equal and socialism does not work fairly, because the greed of the leadership soon overbalances the ideal for equal shares of consumer goods and industrial shares and in homes, too. But when we are all allowed to have equal opportunities to own property by the introduction of this ethical tax method (originally proposed by Henry George in 1879 in his classic book "Progress and Poverty"), anybody whose land ownership is stopping others from having the same thing too, would want to sell off unused sites instead of speculating in their rising values.

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David, You say here "People are not equal and socialism does not work fairly, because the greed of the leadership soon overbalances the ideal for equal shares of consumer goods and industrial shares and in homes, too. " But there is no inevitability in this happening. With appropriate and effective checks and balances it can be precluded. We need to evolve a kind of socialism that does this and even more importantly, is regarded by the population as large as fair and acceptable. The change in taxation you propose is but a tiny brick in the wall against corporate rule.

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Sounds GREAT. Would you like to consider VP - running mates? (lol)

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Ship leaves soon - Def NOT the Olympia , Titanic or White Star liver Lined - Er Ah, I meant, Liner. Cause, my name is certainly NOT Molly! And I definitely aim to be true to my constituents.


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Yes David, this addresses the land problem and thus the affordable housing issue. With a tax shift like this labor and productive capacities have the tax burden lifted while public finance is derived from the nature and socially created land and natural resource values. Purchasing capacity is increased for workers while land hoarding and speculation are removed, thus fair market forces enable supply and demand sides to meet for affordable housing.

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...sec of state. lol

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Geeze O Pete - I may not be 200yrs old, yet there are times, I certainly feel every bit of it!

Hoping the resolve is not far off or off putting, to my delicate senses. As I'd prefer we head back in time, to where there was a more carefree, peacefulness. Don't ask, just be positive - Wait for it...

...in due time, we shall inherit the project blue ball!

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