Bush the kid came after the war mongers Clinton saying he will have a HUMBLE FOREIGN POLICY. The POS did nothing but wars. Trump got in against wars, but bombed Syria, and stole its oil fields. He also donated the Golan Heights to rogue state of Israhell

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The typical president is nothing more than a muppet for the bankstrers. Trump willing to bomb Moscow and Beijing is nothing more that New York Shity bravado.

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Page 3

And my answer to that is very simple but very powerful..... And that is to speak about these people for who they truly are.

And we all know, that the Truth is they are not anything like us.

they refuse to serve anyone but themselves

they desire for us to maintain an inferior position in life

they do not recognize the Truth

the lie is their truth

they are truly murderers

killing means nothing to them

they despise the idea of God

they believe they should be worshipped as gods

they continue to live as god's here as the rest of us suffer them

they destroy any semblance of Love

they do not love

they desire you to fear them

they believe they are superior over all others

they now claim there is no gender

everyone should share the same inequalities except them

lust is their answer to love

they want to be loved

but they cannot Love

so they use Fear to feel something

anything to augment their dead souls

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Page 4

If we the 'Children of God' finally come to the realization that these servants of the devil are who they are.... than from that day forward they will become the wretched demons that they truly are. And from that day onward it will be forever apparent that anything coming from their filthy mouths and gnashing teeth will be forever worthless.

Their Power will be finally eradicated.

And the Truth that all that I have said can be substantiated just by watching what they do. What they stand for what they say.

They are the devil's servants....

Once we come to terms with this....

Peace will finally be Upon Us

just saying

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Page 2

Then throw in the 'moral' issues of abortion, gender inequality, race and immigration issues, continual violent mass shootings and you have a surefire recipe for a detrimental moral implosion. Which then leads to their designed and calculated epidemic of grief stricken Despair and Fear that you see so much of today.

So, what we have so far is : The Haves are playing on our moral conscious, making us Sin by having us judge one another rather than judge them.

But,surely by now, we must all understand that their lies and insane justifications for killing innocent people at home and abroad are purely Satanic.... And we should be so fed up with their demonic actions by now! And I believe we truly are! So again, what is holding us back?

John, you say it is because we lack the confidence to take the next step to save ourselves because we are not certain that there would not be enough people behind our actions who feel as much hatred for these Have's as we do. I am certain that is a Major part of it. And it seems that every third-party candidate today is trying to rally its base and reach out to those Have-Nots to stand behind it's own ideals to break this revolving door of the two party or uniparty system that we have for so long been stuck inside of. They are all having a hard time of it, simply because these 'Have's' for centuries now have slowly eroded

and broken the social fabrics of society that normally holds it together.. Our own tainted history of slavery, the calamity ignited between men's and woman's rights, Indigenous Genocide, Wanton Incarcerations, Flagrant Assassinations, Banks to Big to Fail, Depraved Police Actions, Depressions, Recessions, Inflations, Wars and Conflicts and more pending Wars that might lead to Nuclear Annihilation just to support their Prideful Insatiable desire for Power..

They destroyed the Family Unit thru their mandatory Both Parent working support system, their prerequisite child rearing facilities for working parents, divide and conquer Divorce laws and a total breakdown of family life in general by eliminating any means to conduct family group meantime gatherings and any leisure times spend together because of their micro managed harsh working conditions with little pay.

Which now begs the Question "What in Hell is it going to take to finally get the Have-Nots

to finally do something?

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I'm sure you asked yourself a million times "Why can't we do away with the"Have's "?

What in earth is it finally going to take for us to finally act?

It seems the million dollar question and I agree with your major premises. I would like to add on a few takes off my own.

To start off , I would just turn the question around and ask " What are the 'Have's' doing that makes their methodology work so well for them?

For one thing, they are all on board with any and all of their own proclamations. They are like Bernie Sanders says, the perfect model of the 'Socialist Class'. If one entity of business raises it's prices- - they all raise their prices

If one news outlet declares rampant antisemitism becoming more widespread- - they all provide their own stories to prove the viability of that claim

And like you always point out John, they handpick their 'topics' that they want to implement in order to move their agenda and unquestionably know beforehand the flammability it will generate once it hits the masses.

But most importantly, they understand that these 'topics' will reach into the very souls of the Have-Nots moral consciousness . I'm talking about the people I call the 'Children of God', who desire to follow the 'Golden Rule' as you say . Those of us who have a conscious and 'Hurt' when we do not follow that rule.

Something the 'Have's' know the 'Have-Nots' inherently possess and use it against them.

It is surely the main difference between them and us and certainly allows them, who do not have that problem, to execute their heinous acts without any trepidation or guilt upon themselves.

So suffice to say, .... They are making us Sin.

And if you don't believe 'Sins' hurt us..... Just look at how much mental and physical health problems have exploded since their 'Chaos' has been brought to the Main Stage of American life in the recent decades. I'm talking about the 'Forever Wars' , the Wall Street Fiasco's, the Student Dept dilemma, soaring prices of food, health-care , gas, insurance coverage etc

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