You said Mearshimer is wrong as discussed below but no discussion found?

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OOPS. Sorry about that (it's because I used my words from a previous post that did contain a discussion of Mearsheimer.) My earlier posts that explain why Mearsheimer is wrong are these two:

1. https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/john-mearsheimers-realism-is-un-realistic?r=1iggn

2. https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/warning-prof-john-mearsheimer-only?r=1iggn

Thank you for calling this oversight to my attention.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by JOHN SPRITZLER

The zionist ruling class definitely need their boogeyman enemy with which to scare and corral ordinary israelis, and which can be used to justify their action to the world, but this boogeyman enemy doesn't have to be hamas (it likely will remain hamas because the israeli billionaires have already invested hugely and successfully into turning it into a world-renowned larger-than-life notorious evil monster, almost as notorious as hitler, so i don't see how are they going to give up such a profoundly treasured and beneficial asset for them, a literal cash cow, a gift (boogeyman enemy) that keeps on giving, but even if they somehow calculate that it is best for them to destroy hamas - perhaps in order to show some symbol of "victory" to revenge-seeking and extremely tribalist israelis - even in such an unlikely scenario, still some successor to hamas will immediately emerge that they can build up and use as the next boogeyman enemy).

So I also don't think the israeli ruling class will give up their profoundly beneficial hamas asset so quickly after investing so much into building it up to notorious monstrous proportions in the eyes of the world (with all the profound propaganda benefits it gives them in the world. Possibly the best boogeyman enemy they ever created, a real asset), but ultimately they can use as a boogeyman enemy whatever other resistence forces will come after hamas (in case they do destroy hamas, which is unlikely).

As long as there is no understanding (among israelis and among world opinion) of what is going on, then they are free to keep playing that divide-and-rule game (using the latest boogeyman enemy) and keep milking that cow again and again and again

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I agree.

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