"The law condemns the man or woman who steals a goose from off the commons but turns the greater scoundrel loose who steals the commons from the goose." - popular saying during time of Enclosures. see free book pdf The Earth Belongs to Everyone

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Your description of class nature here is the essence of Marxist thought, and not the various forms in government it subsequently took. Very good to describe and promote the concept of jury nullification, John.

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Marx along with many others before him knew about the class nature of society and hence of justice. This is not the essence of Marxist thought. The essence of Marxist thought is that despite the SUPPOSED fact—wrongly assumed by Marx— that working class people have no subjective desire for a classless society and, just like capitalists only pursue self interest, the impersonal laws of economics will cause a crisis of capitalism from a falling rate of profit and this will lead to socialism and then a classless society of communism. THAT is the essence of Marxism, a supposed science of social development. I disagree with this essence of Marxism. It’s assumption about working class people leads to the profoundly anti-democratic practice of all Marxist regimes.

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