Another Truth Bomb. Thanks John. Never tire of posting. Your views illuminate and clarify so much of the vicious agendas of division of the working class by the ruling class. I look forward daily to your efforts.

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Thank you!

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Nothing genuinely "left" about those promoting imperial wars and impoverishment of the working class. I use the term "Fauxi left," punning with the name of America's Mengele.

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So where are the "genuine left" people explaining that "white privilege" rhetoric and "Affirmative Action" are ruling class attacks on the working class? Can you point to one please?

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You are one of those “genuine left”, e.g. There are a few other Substack writers, Sage Hana, is one. You will never fine a “genuine left” individual or group being allowed to make their argument on mainstream media or what could be called deceptive mainstream media (an example might be Salon, the Intercept, etc.). Those media are controlled by the ruling class as well and that control is very strong. Of course, I think you must know all this.

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One more thing: one of the most shocking events in the last five years was the “Left’s” acceptance and promotion of the poison falsely promoted as a “vaccine” by government authorities around the world. Not only the vaxx, but the lockdowns, social distancing, shutdown of small businesses and so on hammered the blue collar working class population the hardest. Because they were forced vaxxed to a greater extent than others, they undoubtedly suffered a greater percentage, per capita, of vaxx injuries and deathss than other societal groups.

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I agree that the forced lockdowns and shutdowns of small businesses were anti-working class and wrong. I also agree that the mandates for the vaccine were wrong because there was no evidence that the vaccine prevented infection and consequent contagiousness. I have posted some stuff about the vaccine at https://www.pdrboston.org/covid-19-updates .

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I read the article you posted and would briefly like to comment on it. I think you are completely wrong in assuming the ruling class, in this case at least, was doing anything positive for the working class or anybody else than themselves, with the Covid/vaxx operation. It was very clear as soon as data rolled in about the Diamond Princess cruise ship and the US Navy aircraft carrier that Covid was not a serious illness, in the sense of being a new Black Plague or anything like that. Whatever it was, the illness was on the magnitude of a severe influensa which always causes the deaths of a large number of people, mainly elderly, with extensive co-morbidities to begin with. This was then hyped and amplified by absurd propaganda in order to drive masses of people into the corral where they could be vaxxed with the real aim of this operation, to poison huge numbers of people and establish a new paradigm for healthcare involving repeated access to the bodies of working class humans where they could be injured and remodeled using technology that could affect our DNA which controls how we are physically constructed. This was mainly accomplished via a combination of instituting extreme fear among non-critically thinking people and by soft force: mandates with job loss, university denial for non-compliance. There was almost zero benefit from these so-called "vaccines" and there was a huge amount of harm. I think you are greatly underestimating the ruthlessness of the ruling class in this instance. Finally, what is also really different here is that for the first time the perpetrators have swung the metaphorical machine gun turrets around in the US, and instead of having US workers be harmed as collateral damage in one of their foreign wars, for example, they are now carrying out a covert war directly against the entire working class in this country.

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Did you read the section in my above-linked article about Covid-19 that begins with "An article titled, "The dead don't lie: 2 million dead from mRNA jabs!" presents data that seem to show that the CDC and FDA ignored an alarming number of deaths closely following (and hence likely caused by) administration of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, but in contrast acted quickly to halt the use of a J&J DNA Covid-19 vaccine when there were far fewer such reported deaths."? In the following paragraphs I show that the article claiming that the vax killed 2 million people uses just plain faulty reasoning that would have caused peer reviewers to have rejected the article from a serious journal. Do you agree with me about this article's faulty reasoning? If so, can you show me an article with proper reasoning and actual data that makes the case that the vaccines were intended to kill lots of people? That may be the truth, but I just have not seen persuasive evidence for it yet. (For your convenience, my article in question is at https://www.pdrboston.org/covid-19-updates .)

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John, a key part of being able to understand what has happened and is ongoing is realizing that probably every single one of the self-appointed "luminaries" that have been thrust into our consciousness are themselves agents of the perpetrators, either knowingly (most, if not all) or unknowingly. The article you referenced is by Peter and Ginger Breggin. I have the book that they wrote about the Global Predators. There are three MD's that introduce the book. One of them, Peter McCullough, is clearly now (and probably from the getgo) an agent of the perpetrators of this nightmare. Zev Zelenko is in the same group. He came from nowhere, a primary care nobody, to become world-famous, advisor to Trump, and friend of Foster Coulson, Canadian billionaire who the founder of The Wellcome Company, in which McCullough also lays a key role. I have calle this to the attention of the Breggins on many occasions on multiple Substacks in the comments section. They have never, ever answered. I consider them to also be false allies, planted to advance the ongoing operation. Btw, imo 2M deaths is far too high. It is probably less than 1M, but no way to know for sure. It is not possible to find perfect data but one can make some estimates using John Beaudoin's (sp?) data from Massachussets, Vermon and Minnesota. From Ed Down's Phinance Technology data which uses insurance data (btw, Dowd is another luminary who is part of the opposition). I corroborated the early insurance info that came out with: 1) data and info from a friend who is an insurance executive at a major health insurance company, 2) quarterly reports from the largest life insurers in the US. I don't have time to read the Breggins article right now. I'll take a look later if I remember and give you my analysis for the sake of our discussion. Because of my assessment of them my bias is to not read them at all so that will be a distasteful job for me but I'll do it if I can remember as I feel our exchanges are very worthwhile to me. You are on of the first people with a class analysis grounded in the same background I have who has done a lot of great work in exposing the ruling class' role in all this. Because of my medical background Covid became central to me for many years now, but the op encompasses almost everything in our society: politics, economics, health, culture, everything. Their goal is the New World Order of fascism and depopulation so it really is all encompassing. Lastly, I want to emphasize it is very important to understand that the self-appointed luminaries are a very large group that is well trained and has been trained for this for a very long time. They include: Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, Tess Lawrie, Meryl Nass, the Breggins, Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, Richard Urso, Jessica Rose, Steve Kirsch, and many, many more. They are all limited hangout people who provide some useful data in order to gain our confidence, and then stop at their line in the sand, and "run out the clock", as Sage Hana says, as well as willfully mislead us.

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Yes, the damage has been colossal, and deliberate. Both covid and the vax are bio-weapons--literally, including development via DARPA of the US military command. Abundant info from inside whistle-blowers like Sasha Latypova

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John, I am a retired double board certified (surgical specialties) MD. Ironically, being an MD anti-vaxxer, especially in the Covid context, became a very lonely position to be in. I was appalled to see how many MD's were fully on board with the entire Covid operation. Why they were fully on board is a topic unto itself and I won't go into it here. To me, it was obvious by mid-Spring 2020 that this was an operation with two major goals: to debilitate, depopulate and demoralize the working class (and the managerial classes) as well to increase surveillance and control of them. It became clear that all the federal health agencies, and most, if not all, of the state and municipal public health agencies, were controlled by people who were helping to carry out this agenda. To understand this requires a huge amount of reading and research and I can't possibly provide most of the arguments that support those statements here in this comment. It is not easy to find reliable statistics since public health authorities, e.g., the CDC, are deliberating obscuring or falsifying data. Insurance data and mortality statistics by state and federal authorities is probably the best source since it is the most difficult to falsify. The VAERS data is remarkably incomplete and filled with confounding variables. Nevertheless, it did reveal that extensive damage was being done and in my case I looked at my own personal statistics to corroborate what was being reported by others: I have a list of 34 probable vaxx injured or dead (8 dead) out of perhaps 300 people in my own social circles. I only included people I personally knew to be on the list. It did not include anybody with any degree of separation from me.

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Agreed Tom and that is why I call it the FAUXI "left."

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The issue of "white privilege" has two aspects, of which you understand one quite clearly; that of its use to divide working class people, but it is true that in RELATIVE terms MOST white people have better access, in general, to life-affirming resources than people of color, hence in relative terms of oppression, whites are more privileged than non-whites, but in the context of universal class oppression. By the way , do you think dialectically? That is, find the central contradiction, ascertain the principle aspect and then the secondary one, and then what are secondary contradictions, etc

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Please read this explanation about why he word “privilege” is the wrong word to use to refer to the real facts you point to: https://www.pdrboston.org/is-it-a-privilege-not-to-be

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