Horrible and amazing the stranglehold that zionist billionaires have over USA, both political and academic institutiins.

Would it make sense to rewrite the paragraph with links not to your articles, but linking directly to the sources that appear in your articles. This way that would have no way of saying that it is ot linking to reputable sources..

Alternatively, if this doesn't work, then would it make sense to send it without this paragraph? Of course that's far from ideal, but if it gets published even without the paragraph then that might be better than nothing at all.

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If I did as you suggested then I would exceed the permitted word count. When they want to censor the truth they will always come up with an excuse for doing so.

Andrew, the editor, offered to print a version that only said it would be good to have discussion about what the purpose of Israeli violence is (with no mention of what the purpose actually is.) Well, even Netanyahu would agree to THAT; he would say the purpose was to make Jews safe, and that would be the end of it because nobody would be allowed to say otherwise.

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