John, I'm quite sure no Elementary or High Schools in this country would want you teaching History to the bright young developing Minds of their children.!?

I read about their processes of sending in the missionaries to teach the ignorant, setting up New Schools down South to educate the Poor Whites during the Reconstruction , forcing the Indian children to learn the White Man's ways in Indian Schools. Now, with your truthful

Word's it is clear why this indoctrination was implemented and felt a necessary step in their

Total Brainwashing of the Masses.


Inconveniently, I was brought up as a Catholic in this godless world, I was raised and taught to see the good in people......believed in treating others in like nature as I would want to be treated and as such I was pretty much the easiest person to be abused and lied to. The Have-Nots .....are pretty much Doomed from Birth simple because they do not want to Force their Will or use others for their own Betterment. Of course, as they get older and get tired of being abused and lied to..... some will stand up to their Masters. They are of course labeled as

'loose cannons, not Team players, unmanageable and are basically considered a thorn in the Big Man's ass and the Have's will try to Break them to make an example of them so others will not follow in their ways.

As a young man I always wondered why I was passed up for promotion even when. my work was so much higher quality than my peers.

Work hard, Do your Best and Keep your nose clean..... we're the words that my good father taught me. But that never played out for me. The men who sat around and laughed it up with the boss like they were old buddies and knew when to work and when to goof off, knew how to cut corners and drop 'dimes' on others were always the prime candidates for management?

I never understood it? Until I understood that those kind of 'men ' were of the same nature as the bosses. So it was quite natural for the bosses to like them as they were them in their younger days.

And bosses were just people who would follow orders..... they would not question them, did not care who they would hurt or how abusive they were..... they just felt it was their job as a boss to make sure the orders from up on high were carried out...

It was not until I realized this .....that I knew I could never be a Boss and was glad for it.


It was later on in the early 2000's a few years after my retirement from the phone Co. that I worked in the trucking industry when I saw a major shift in the way management was

Indoctrinating their employees. There was a major push to eliminate anyone who did not completely conform to their 'shut up and just do whatever we tell you' standards... Or else your out of here! By this time .... this was not my first rodeo as they say..... And not having no fear of termination as I was basically retired I enjoyed a real good time of throwing all their 'shit' right back in their face. That lasted for about 9 years and 6 different companies. I was never fired and did exactly what I considered safe and entirely reasonable. They were never happy with me , which made me even the more happier.

It would have been a little easier for me if I heard your truthful words a little earlier in life

but hopefully other young men will.....

Just saying

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Spot on John, thank you for the post - As a young child, I had already seen the writing on the wall. At the time, 1960's - there were several men standing around in the garage, tinkering with motors and talking about the state of affairs of the country. With two strikes against me, I was female, and that of a mere baby. I briefly, spoke my mind - telling these young men in their twenties, the way I perceived it: "We are communist!" I interjected. Perhaps I used the wrong verbiage then, yet I was telling it like I saw it at my tender age of four years. Needless to say, it pissed them off - Probably because they knew I was not that far off from the mark, back then.

Blessings ~

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Four years old and an outspoken small-c communist! Wow! :)

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Forgive my typos ( 4yrs of age, not OLD) - Never was very wonderous about punctuation and at times, (pun) CAPITALIZATION. Thnx for the article & input. Blessings ~

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