Thank you very for this. Really well explained. There is A LOT here to take in and evaluate/examine/contemplate, but i'd just like to make a very quick and superficial comment for now and that is that I was struck by the sentence - "By the way, virtually every nuclear family in the United States operates on exactly this principle; they don’t buy and sell services or commodities to each other; they share them according to the principle of “From each according to reasonable ability, to each according to need or reasonable desire" - and a thought came to me that this might indeed be the crux of the matter (or one of the cruxes). The fact that most of us have been conditioned in an atomised dog-eat-dog capitalist society to reserve our care and love and goodwill ONLY towards immediate family, and view everyone else (outside family) as someone who at best we're indifferent towards (perhaps slightly generous and charitable if the mood strikes us) and at worse see them as an enemy/competitor/threat to the narrow atomised "interests" of me or my family..

When i read that sentence it just came to me that this atomised frgamented capitalist perspective on life (and society) is a very big deal and is perhaps one of the root causes for why (and how) the ruling class are able to keep us stuck in this hierarahical anti-egalitarian social order (and to even view it as beneficial and protective of one's family).

But this is just a quick initial and superfici thought that came to me. Still requires further inquiry and examining and elucidation, of course

PS. One ither small thing - this atomised me-against-you capitalist perspective seems to me to be inherently anti-religious God-ignorant and Christ-rejecting, and yet ironically this is the perspective that i see most often entertained by many of those who like to view themselves as religious (especially conservative religious). That's another very major factor that hinders (or can hinder) the transformation of our hierarchical anti-egalitarian social order, it seems to me..

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Thank you for your not at all superficial thoughts.

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