I agree with your positions, but, I don't understand your introduction of the word class?

Obviously, some or even most of the high class are evil. However, that can also be said about the low class?

The reality is the Muslims and the jews are not inherently evil. However, their theology is supremacist. Islam wants to convert everyone to their side. Judaism wants to kill all the non-jews.

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To reply to your question about why I emphasize the word class, here is why. The NON-class categories of un-censored discourse obscure the key fact that, if known, would unify the have-nots who are kept divided by the censored discourse. For example, part of the censored key fact is that ordinary Israeli Jews are HARMED, not made safe, by the Zionist ethnic cleansing project. The purpose of that Zionist ethnic cleansing (of Palestinians) project is, as I keep saying, to enable the billionaire upper class rulers of Israel to control, oppress, and get rich off of the Israeli Jewish working class. The Zionist ideology is not the ideology of, by and for ordinary Jews; it is the ideology of, by and for upper class Jews, as i show in some detail in my article at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-really-zionist-leaders-have-always?r=1iggn . One cannot understand this key fact if one thinks in terms of "The Jews" versus "The Palestinians," i.e., if one thinks in NON-class terms.

Likewise, part of the key fact that is censored is that most Palestinians do not share the Hamas aim of making Islam sovereign in all of Palestine (from the river to the sea). This Hamas aim is good ONLY for the upper billionaire class of Palestinians who control Hamas now; it is the way they want to gain complete power over the Palestinians and get even richer off of them. When the PLO had the official aim of making all of Palestine a single secular democratic state in which people of all religious beliefs would be equal under the law, this was extremely popular with most Palestinians. Again, one cannot understand the profound conflict between the Hamas leaders and ordinary Palestinians if one does not think in terms of class. Have you read this about what ordinary Palestinians want yet: https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/what-ordinary-palestinians-want?r=1iggn ?

What do you think?

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