What's It Like to Be an Honest Person Working Alongside Top U.S. Government Officials? Ted Postol Shares His Fascinating Experience.
Unfortunately he doesn't understand just how bad the situation really is
If you go to time point 42:40 of this video you will hear a fascinating description of how top U.S. government officials—such as in particular Ash Carter, once a secretary of defense—deliberately say things they know are not true in order to remain “in the club” at the top levels of government where real decisions are made.
These beans are spilled in wonderful detail by Ted Postol. Postol is a top-ranked academic specialist (now retired) in weaponry. He has intellectual integrity. And he has many years of experience working with people like Ash Carter, whom he knew as a friend when they were both much younger and whom he saw turn into a liar in order to “remain in the club.”
One can learn a lot from Postol about how top government officials are required to “toe the line” and pretend to agree with things they know are false. This is important to know, so listen to the man spell it out. It’s fascinating! (The first part of the video is also fascinating about Israel!)
But what Postal does not explain, and what he may not even know, is who sets the “line” that government officials need to “toe”? Who determines what the membership requirement is to join and remain “in the club”? Why would the Secretary of Defense knowingly cover up the fact (as Postal discovered) that the Patriot missile air defense system sucked?1
What Postal doesn’t seem to understand is that it is the billionaire plutocracy that determines what the “line” is that government officials must “toe” in order to remain “in the club.” The only government policies that top government officials are allowed to implement are policies that the billionaire plutocracy believe will protect their power, wealth and privilege.
With respect, in particular, to foreign policy and war, what Postal doesn’t understand is that, for the billionaire plutocracy, the aim is to be AT war, not necessarily to WIN the war. I explain this in detail in my article, “Oppressors Need Bogeyman Enemies and Invent them When Necessary. Which explains the actual, versus apparent, aims of U.S. imperialism,” which opens with these words:
"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.” --George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four
"Furthermore, the series of so-called wars since 1945 were never fought to achieve victory. They were waged for dollars, with the generals in a supernumerary role...It has been politically necessary for each major power to have an enemy, even though both major powers knew that they no longer had any way to benefit from a traditional 'all-out' war. Neither one could control its own destiny or its own society without the 'threat' of the other." --Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years, in JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (pg. xxv and 31)
"You know, the first thing you do when you're any politician in political trouble in your own country is you seek ways to deflect attention away from yourself and the best way to do that, the most effective way to do that, that is with something like a war, or like you that that costs to have to think and to have to take notice and to have to listen to you."--Col. Larry Wilkerson, the U.S. Army, in a video interview June 12, 2024 at time point 15.20 [ad libbed, but he made the point nonetheless]
THE ACTUAL, VERSUS APPARENT, AIM OF U.S. IMPERIALISM IS NOT TO WIN THE WAR BUT TO BE AT WAR: Read the details about this below in the sub-section with this title. Also see item #12 below regarding the impending war between the U.S. and China. And read why merely denouncing Zionist violence as unjust doesn't weaken Zionism, in the concluding section of this article.
[Read here a brief history of how U.S. rulers have been using war against bogeyman enemies ever since their war against American Indians]
It's almost impossible for an oppressive ruling class to dominate those it oppresses--the have-nots--without a bogeyman enemy. Why is this?
(Read my article if you don’t already know the answer. I suggest also using text search to find where “Disney” is in the article, to learn who really is behind the current warmongering.)
Postol is no different from all the other talking heads that I wrote about here, in so far as not understanding who has the real power in the United States and what is their actual aim. But Postol shares with us his fascinating experience confronting and challenging that real power as it is served by the likes of the top government officials that he has worked very closely with for decades, decades of enormous frustration due to the fact that he has intellectual integrity instead of a need to “remain in the club.”
Raytheon’s owners profit from selling their Patriot missile system to the government regardless of whether it works well or not; defense secretaries are beholden to the kind of people who own Raytheon and since the purpose of war is not to WIN it but to be AT war, why would a secretary of defense care if the Patriot missile system sucks as long as it can be sold to the government (and other governments too) for a nice profit?
Very important and very skillfully written. Thank you for sharing that. It's strange to me that this exceedingly important and fundamental understanding of how power operates doesn't have hundreds of likes and isn't shared widely..
I agree with Head + Heart , your Substack should be mandatory required reading for all Americans who have a Good Heart .
I enjoyed the video on Ted Postal and feel
as you do that he does not quite clearly understand why his friend Ash Carter knows who makes the rules in this World, in which we now exist.
I feel that is because Ted Postal has yet to realize that at some point in the past... Ash Carter was met upon in the Crossroads of his Life by a Dark Recruiter where he was petitioned to join the most Elite Club in this World.
To join... all he had to do was to answer three simple questions.
the first question was pretty straight forward:
How do you see yourself in this life; as a Hammer or as a Nail?
the second question was a little more compelling:
What would you rather be; a Rich but crippled man or a Poor healthy man?
the third question made Ash ponder, but only for a split second:
Will you serve, honor and obey me as your Master until Death do us part?
Well , Ash being an educated man who graduated from one of this country's Ivy League Institutions .... easily passed with flying colors. And the very next time Ted spoke with him , Ted could see in his aloof mannerism and condescending tone that his once childhood friend had radically changed.... but not for the good. He clearly was becoming just a mere shadow of his former self.
And personally, I feel that most men and women who become the leading members in the higher echelons of
satan's elite Corps of Engineered chaos, only become increasingly aware of that final clause in their Initial Indoctrination Exam when they slowly draw closer to their eminent demise... until Death do us Part.....
Which means their Master will sever them from himself upon their human death and they will be left to rot in Gehenna for Time Eternal.
And just maybe that is why, the older these
GIANTS OF THE WORLD become , the more they despise the 'Children of God' who are propheticized to live forever with their Creator in a Evil Free Earth.
Incidently, I heard it said that Hiroshima was chosen to be the first city to be destroyed in a Nuclear Holocaust because it contained the most Christians in all of Japan and just coincidently the first nuclear warhead was dropped on a Church.
just saying.....