The Ruling Billionaire Plutocracy Was Never Elected and Thus Cannot Be Un-Elected, No Matter for Whom We Vote nor How We Modify the Election System
Isn't it time we acknowledged this fact and dealt with it?
The power that the billionaires have does not depend on their ever having won an election. Sometimes a billionaire does win an election, but that is not the reason they have power. They have the power to treat us, the have-nots, like dirt; they do it routinely because they must do it to remain the enormously wealthy, privileged and powerful class that they are, as I explain here.
From the very beginning of the United States, the Founding Fathers were the Jeff Bezoses and Bill Gateses of their day. They were enemies of We the People—the have-nots, as I explain here. They created the U.S. Constitution in order to more effectively rule over and oppress the have-nots, as I explain here. They allowed people to vote only in order to give seeming legitimacy to their dictatorship of the rich, NOT to enable the have-nots to have any real say in what the government did. They make sure that whatever politicians promise us to get votes, once in office they are beholden to the rich, as I illustrate here.
None of the above is a secret. It’s as plain as day to anybody with their eyes wide open. So why are these facts virtually never acknowledged by activists who want to make things better?
Here’s why, despite the above facts being obvious, people ignore them and pretend to believe that we can vote the ruling billionaire plutocracy out of power.
The reason people ignore these unpleasant but obvious facts about how we are ruled by an oligarchy—a dictatorship of the rich, a billionaire plutocracy—is this. People don’t believe it is really possible to remove the rich from power because they know the rich have overwhelming violence—the proverbial 82nd Airborne Division—with which to crush any actual effort to remove them from power. Since people think it is actually impossible to remove the rich from power, they prefer to just dream about doing it, to engage in wishful thinking, to talk about magical solutions involving some how voting the rich out of power.
They talk about voting for a “good” politician to be president. They talk about reforming the electoral college voting system. They talk about changing the voting system to let people vote for more than one candidate for a given office so one’s vote for one’s best choice isn’t a vote against one’s second-best choice. ETC. (The latest trick I’ve run across is the idea that pro-Trump and pro-Harris voters pair up and agree to vote for neither.1)
If any of these “wishful thinking” schemes would actually enable the have-nots to remove the rich from power merely by voting, then guess what? The rich would not allow this change to happen. In order to make this change happen we would have to remove the rich from power FIRST! But nobody wants to talk about that pesky little fact.2
We CAN Remove the Rich From Power!
I describe in my article here how we, the have-nots, CAN indeed remove the rich from power. In that article I discuss why and how it is possible to create the circumstances described in my article with these words:
The way we can remove the rich from power is to create the circumstances that will cause a critical mass of soldiers to a) refuse any orders they may get to attack people who want to remove the rich from power and b) use their weapons to help the egalitarian revolutionary movement defend itself against anybody who may attack it violently**. This is how the rich lose power!
Note that this is not about voting the rich out of power. It is about FORCING the rich out of power.
Read here how YOU can help build the egalitarian revolutionary movement to create these circumstances.
Or you can continue relying on wishful thinking and dream-land magical thinking
If you want to stay in dream-land I cannot stop you. But if you claim that what I advocate—egalitarian revolution—is impossible because hardly anybody would support such a revolution, then YOU WOULD BE WRONG, as I prove here.
And if you think that my above proof is all fake news, then FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF, by doing what I discuss here.
And if you don’t even want to find out for yourself if what I say is true, then guess what? You’re part of the problem, not the solution. You have a psychological stake in preventing people from building an egalitarian revolutionary movement to remove the rich from power, and all of your talk about voting the rich out of power is just a cover for your determination to keep the rich in power. Just saying.
Zoom in on any of the 500 people in my zip code area whose photos are online here (some of whom are shown below) to read the egalitarian revolutionary sign they are proudly displaying. These are the kind of people we need to be organizing, and not making excuses for not organizing them.
The strategy advocates would-be Trump voters pairing up with would-be Harris voters and both voting for other candidates that more align with their beliefs. This way neither voter can be accused of helping the candidate they dislike the most — but both together break with the establishment.
Have you ever argued for some course of action and heard the person who disagrees reply, “If my mother were a trolley car she’d have wheels”? The person disagreeing is saying, “Your logic is impeccable. [Yes indeed, if my mother were a trolley car she’d have wheels]. The problem is that it rests on a prior assumption that is false [My mother is NOT a trolley car].”
Good article, the truth is there, unfortunately the great masses are not interested and take the path of least resistance and acceptance of the lies is a small price to pay for peace of mind and few dollars.