John, I feel you have hit the nail , squarely on the head in your description of where we are as a society in today's culture. HOPELESS... and we don't know what to do to rescue ourselves from our dire situation.
Which of course, is the very definition of Hopelessness. As you say.... we have been taught all our lives to be independent of each other.... pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Work hard, keep our nose to the grindstone, keep our noses clean. Do all these things and we were told you will be rewarded with a means to acquire a beautiful home and family and a white picket fence to surround it.
Meanwhile, our real enemies were conspiring to gather their forces against us.
It wasn't hard to notice that those who were chosen to move ahead..... were certainly not the best i and certainly not the most knowledgeable workers from amongst us. They were instead the devious snitchers, the slackers, the deviants who cut corners to meet the companies outlandish mandates. Those who would graciously do anything to maintain their
lofty positions no matter who it hurt.
Eventually in time, they became the dominant
catalyst in every workforce that does not require any skill other than to 'dominate and oppress' others and where there is no 'product ' needed to profit from and all expenses ares solely paid for at the Commoners the police force, the military, all the branches of government.
So what we have now is not just a unethical and inequality of Wealthy people in this country but also a conglomerate of solely Taxed Paid institutions who are designed to Keep us Down to Keep themselves Up.
Add to that all the mass mouthpieces of the bought and paid for media, the injust and conflicting laws that our so called representatives pass to misguide us, the monopolistic merchant system to bankroll us, the Agricultural system to poison us, the Health Care system to keep us sick, bankrupt us and eventually kill us and every other enterprise that seems hell bent on keeping us in such a toxic state of Chaos.... It's no wonder we have lost All Hope in living a decent life.
I heard it said that one must hit bottom before one has the ability to turn themselves around. Some say they find God in that abyss of total despair . I say , God has always been with them... but their lack of Faith has prevented them from seeing Him. Once all is lost and there is nothing they can do to help themselves .... With no other place to go...they finally find their Faith and finally turn to God... and like a Good Shepard He brings them back into His fold.
We're Not there Yet! We are too fearful to lose what we have... what we worked so hard to get all our lives. The devil's know this about us. Job2:4 satan said..."a man will give all he has to save his life". and we will hold onto all things of the World.... our homes, our cars, our
money .. To keep what we have... the life we made for ourselves. ......before we
come together in unity to save ourselves from them. And strangely,all we have to say is ..
NO... NO MORE . We will not take No More ..
But we must come together to do this...
and that is what is stopping us right now.
Just saying.....
and thank you John for delving into what you called the : mysterious things' if I remember correctly.. For their -in the mysterious things lies our salvation.
John, I feel you have hit the nail , squarely on the head in your description of where we are as a society in today's culture. HOPELESS... and we don't know what to do to rescue ourselves from our dire situation.
Which of course, is the very definition of Hopelessness. As you say.... we have been taught all our lives to be independent of each other.... pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Work hard, keep our nose to the grindstone, keep our noses clean. Do all these things and we were told you will be rewarded with a means to acquire a beautiful home and family and a white picket fence to surround it.
Meanwhile, our real enemies were conspiring to gather their forces against us.
It wasn't hard to notice that those who were chosen to move ahead..... were certainly not the best i and certainly not the most knowledgeable workers from amongst us. They were instead the devious snitchers, the slackers, the deviants who cut corners to meet the companies outlandish mandates. Those who would graciously do anything to maintain their
lofty positions no matter who it hurt.
Eventually in time, they became the dominant
catalyst in every workforce that does not require any skill other than to 'dominate and oppress' others and where there is no 'product ' needed to profit from and all expenses ares solely paid for at the Commoners the police force, the military, all the branches of government.
So what we have now is not just a unethical and inequality of Wealthy people in this country but also a conglomerate of solely Taxed Paid institutions who are designed to Keep us Down to Keep themselves Up.
Add to that all the mass mouthpieces of the bought and paid for media, the injust and conflicting laws that our so called representatives pass to misguide us, the monopolistic merchant system to bankroll us, the Agricultural system to poison us, the Health Care system to keep us sick, bankrupt us and eventually kill us and every other enterprise that seems hell bent on keeping us in such a toxic state of Chaos.... It's no wonder we have lost All Hope in living a decent life.
I heard it said that one must hit bottom before one has the ability to turn themselves around. Some say they find God in that abyss of total despair . I say , God has always been with them... but their lack of Faith has prevented them from seeing Him. Once all is lost and there is nothing they can do to help themselves .... With no other place to go...they finally find their Faith and finally turn to God... and like a Good Shepard He brings them back into His fold.
We're Not there Yet! We are too fearful to lose what we have... what we worked so hard to get all our lives. The devil's know this about us. Job2:4 satan said..."a man will give all he has to save his life". and we will hold onto all things of the World.... our homes, our cars, our
money .. To keep what we have... the life we made for ourselves. ......before we
come together in unity to save ourselves from them. And strangely,all we have to say is ..
NO... NO MORE . We will not take No More ..
But we must come together to do this...
and that is what is stopping us right now.
Just saying.....
and thank you John for delving into what you called the : mysterious things' if I remember correctly.. For their -in the mysterious things lies our salvation.
Do you want to do this: ?