Very well explained, and profoundly important. Thank you very much for this 🙏

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Thank you.

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John - this is a brilliant, detailed and important analysis, thank you for it and I agree with you. Please inform with a reference about how elites stopped the rescue of Jews in WW II. However in my view your prescription is not up to par with your description. I suggest we have another phone conversation regarding what to do about "internal colonialism." 717-357-7617

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Thank you.

In previous posts I have discussed in great detail how Zionists opposed the rescue of Jews. Here is the key post: https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-really-zionist-leaders-have-always?r=1iggn .

Regarding what to do about 'internal colonialism" we both advance a vision of how things ought to be in contrast to how they are, and our visions are similar in some but not all respects. A unified working class would be in a position to have a big public conversation about these and other visions, which I think would be a great step towards the working class taking real power.

One of the main obstacles to this happening is that people are understandably suspicious of such visions because such visions have all been stigmatized as some form of "the new boss, same as the old boss" because of the notorious anti-democratic reality of all Marxist ('new boss') regimes. So I write about the fundamental anti-democratic essence of Marxism, and I contrast it with the pro-democratic essence of egalitarianism: https://www.pdrboston.org/egalitarianism-is-anti-marxism .

The other main obstacle in my view is the sophisticated divide-and-rule schemes of the ruling plutocracy, which I identify and refute in my writing, such as at https://www.pdrboston.org/21st-century-divide-and-rule. Note that in this article I also discuss why the Left does not refute the divide-and-rule lies these schemes are based upon.

What specifically do you wish to discuss on another phone call?

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OK, please do.

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CONTINUED from the podcast ... The Mass Media is thoroughly anti-working class.

Too say that John had his work cut out for him is just totally incompressible. It's about as difficult as a one legged man trying to win a ass kicking contest.

John:. I just truly believed that if these student protesters knew the real Truth behind all this hoopla concerning the Israeli - Palestine conflict it could ignite their whole anti- war movement into something that could change

our whole political arena out of this Have + Have-Not system , once and for all.

Angel of God:. Patience John. Maybe now you understand the frustration that Noah had to endure when he tried to speak Truths to those who could not see or hear the Great Deluge was coming. Just as in the Times of Noah.. The Signs are now here once again and still no one can see them. Noah failed in his test, yet the Lord saved him. Now it is up to you John...

and you know this task is almost unobtainable.

THE BOSS: pardon me Gents, but if I might have a word.....I might be able to save you a World of Troubles. I believe you all are familiar with my favorite Axiom of war here.... FEAR... Job 2:4 - nothing can get a Creature of Dust

moving faster in the direction you want them to go that a little Pain. And if that's not enough incentive, than throw in a little Despair... Crush their Hope...God Dam It. I assure you ... It has never failed me throughout the centuries.

John:. That's what we're trying to get rid of, you Idiot! The Boogeyman.... The fear that someone or something is always going to Take Away from us what we struggled so Hard to Achieve!

Angel of God:. And what did the World achieve John? Progress? What happened to the World that God had given you? Your Egalitarian World is much closer to what God has intended for His Children to exist here.... But nobody heard my Father when he said to Listen to the Animals... they will show you the way.....

No one listened to their voices except the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.... And they were almost Genocided by the Dark Lord's in the Kingdom that came from across the sea.

THE BOSS: that's very good, with your petty name calling..... Boogeyman, Have's, the Dark State.......I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE.....

No one DARES call me in my Real Name , your

Spines are made of Dust! You know why?

IT'S THE GOLDEN RULE HERE..... The KISS OF DEATH.... You said it yourself , John.... If any politician ever endorses the " Church of Satan",

my Church..... He is Doomed, his career is finished!!!


Angel of God:. Because once those Words are spoken..... IT CHANGES EVERYTHING....

Just as knowing what the Tree of Knowledge

told us..... Changed a Paradise into a Hell.


I'm giving you Pearls of Wisdom here John, use them....

THE BOSS: YEA, use them John.... My monies are betting on you......ha ha ha ha... You Children of Dust... You just kill me...ha ha ha ha

John:: why do things have to be so hard ? , God damnit..... Sorry Father! .... Please, let me have the strength to do Your Will......

to be continued....

Just Saying

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I want to discuss with you the land tenure and tax policy platforms of Green Parties of several countries, could send you the document on this via email.

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