Like you, I do not subscribe to the good guy versus bad guy theory of history. For millennia now, it's been bad guy versus bad guy - at the top of every power structure are sociopathic motherfuckers. You don't climb to the top of a hierarchy by being a nice guy.

It irks me that, when I express dissent, I am told I must therefore be supporting the "other side". I'm on the side of humans. Every war (including the culture wars) consists of the powerful convincing the powerless to attack each other in order to concentrate more power into the hands of the powerful.

People seem confused by the fact that the oligarchs compete with each other so viciously yet co-operate so closely when it comes to oppressing the rest of us. To understand, think of cattle herders. They may go to great lengths to raid each other's cattle and hate each other because of it, but they are all in complete agreement that the cattle should be owned, not set free.

I refuse to call the ruling class the "elites". They are the Predatory Class. They view the rest of us as a separate species.

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Well said!!

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Thank you.

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Excellent breakdown. Thank you. I too noticed this apparent naivité in large sections of the so-called alternative media. Though I'm not sure if it's true naivité or if some (or most) of the "alternative media" are bought and paid for. Either way, the result is the same

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When I posted a video about Israel with my class analysis on YouTube it refused to keep it online and gave me a warning number two and said one more warning and all my videos would be removed forever.

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