Our U.S. Rulers Now Aim to Use Deportation To Make U.S. Towns & Cities Be Like College Campuses Became When they Used Genocide to Make Half the People There View the Other Half as the Enemy
The rulers censor the key facts that, if widely known, would UNITE all the have-nots against the billionaires
The ruling class is using censorship of the unifying truth to get have-nots fighting each other. We Must Break that Censorship!
On the campuses our rulers used censorship of the truth about the anti-Jewish-working-class purpose of Israeli genocidal violence against Palestinians, and in our towns and cities it uses censorship of the truth about why there are so many illegal immigrants. Read below how it’s the same basic divide-and-rule strategy in both cases. It can only work if we let them get away with the censorship. Don’t let them!
Divide-and-rule on the campuses
If the general public knew the truth about the anti-Jewish-working class (as well as anti-Palestinian-working-class) PURPOSE of Israeli genocidal and ethnic cleansing violence against Palestinians, then the VAST MAJORITY of the general public—including previously passionately pro-Israel Jews—would be solidly opposed to the Israeli government’s decades-long and current genocidal violence against Palestinians. If you do not know what these key facts are, then please educate yourself by reading my articles linked to in this footnote1 and then educate your friends and neighbors. (Briefly, Israeli violence against Palestinians has never had anything whatsoever to do with making ordinary Jews safe, quite the contrary.)
But because the ruling class censors this key fact and the anti-genocide movement doesn’t express it at all, the anti-genocide movement has never gotten even close to 50% support from the general public. The result has been intense, sometimes violent, conflict on college campuses between good and decent people who support Israel because they wrongly believe this is necessary to protect Jews from another Holocaust, and good and decent people who do not support Israel because they are horrified by the genocide (although still wrongly believing that Israeli violence is, as the Zionist lie says, for the purpose of making Jews safe.) This is exactly what the ruling class wants, and it uses its wealth to make sure it happens, as I discuss here.
Divide-and-rule in our towns and cities over deportation
Now our rulers aim to create the same bitter, sometimes violent, conflict in our towns and cities by launching a violent deportation of illegal immigrants while censoring the key facts about illegal immigration that, if widely known, would result in unity of all the have nots around this issue—unity of the have-nots (regardless of citizenship status) against the billionaires, unity around the goal of deporting the billionaires, not the unfortunate illegal immigrants.
If you do not know what these censored facts are, then please educate yourself by reading my articles at this footnote2 and then educate your friends and neighbors. (Briefly, U.S. billionaires in both parties for decades have been doing things to force poor people south of the border to illegally immigrate to the U.S. just in order to survive; these immigrants are no more criminal than U.S. citizens. American citizens do indeed suffer from the massive illegal immigration and the way to end that suffering is to join with the illegal immigrants to stop the billionaires from forcing people to illegally immigrate to the U.S. and from treating ALL of the have-nots like dirt.
As the title of my recent Substack article says:
“Let's Deport the Billionaires and House the Illegal Immigrants In the Billionaires' Mansions and Yachts and Use their Money to Build ALL the Homes and Schools and Hospitals, etc. We Need and Deserve. And let's abolish the U.S. foreign policies that FORCED the illegal immigrants to leave home and come here.”
All Hell Is About to Break Lose—to the Detriment of ALL the Have-Nots—Unless We Overthrow the Lies and Censorship that the Ruling Class is Using to Pit Us Against Each Other
The ruling class is preparing to let Donald Trump begin a massive and violent deportation of illegal immigrants accompanied by FALSE3 accusations that they are—and I now quote Donald Trump—”vicious and bloodthirsty criminals.”
Good and decent have-nots will support this deportation because they know they are suffering4 from the massive illegal immigration. And good and decent have-nots will oppose the deportations out of good-hearted sympathy for the unfortunate illegal immigrants. Our rulers will tell the former that the latter have-nots don’t CARE about their suffering. And our rulers will tell the latter have-nots that the former have-nots are evil racists. This is the ruling class divide-and-rule strategy. Don’t let it succeed.
Tell your friends and neighbors the truth. From personal experience I know that pro-Trump people are EAGER to know the truth that is denied them, and that they respond POSITIVELY to hearing the truths I have shared with you here.
Israeli government violence against Palestinians is for the purpose of OPPRESSING ORDINARY ISRAELI JEWS. Israeli violence against Palestinians is designed to make the Palestinians hate Israel and thus be a bogeyman enemy that the billionaire rulers of Israel pretend to protect Israeli Jews from and thereby control and severely economically oppress and get rich off of the Israeli Jewish working class. Read the proof of this, based on mainstream including Israeli sources at https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to .
Zionist leaders from the outset have had an anti-Jewish working class goal. During the Holocaust they betrayed ordinary Jews by opposing efforts to rescue them from the Nazis because those rescue efforts didn't advance the goal of creating the Jewish state they wanted more than saving Jewish lives. Read the proof of this based on mainstream including Jewish sources at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-really-zionist-leaders-have-always?r=1iggn .
Israel for decades has funded Hamas and worked to keep it in power (still today!) to make the bogeyman enemy maximally frightening. Read the proof of this based on mainstream sources at https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power .
If one wants to be on the side of ordinary Jews instead of billionaire Jews, then one should oppose the Jewish state idea, just as one would oppose the idea of a White state if one is on the side of ordinary and not billionaire white people. I prove this at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/there-should-not-be-a-jewish-state?r=1iggn .
Hamas is also controlled by billionaires and oppresses ordinary Palestinians in Gaza as shown at https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/hamas-leaders-are-billionaires-who?r=1iggn . Hamas got votes not because Palestinians want an Islamic theocracy but because Hamas was less corrupt than the alternative Palestine Authority and pretended to be fighting Israel militantly.
The Myth That Hispanic Immigrants Are Criminals
One way Big Money tries to direct people's anger at illegal immigrants instead of at itself is by promoting the myth that Hispanic immigrants and their children have particularly high crime rates. President Trump does this by creating a public list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants but not a list for crimes committed by “legals.” Countless right wing talk radio hosts similarly report crimes by illegal immigrants in a way designed to make it seem that hardly anybody else commits a crime. What’s the truth?
As one can read in great detail in a careful study by the Marshall Project, based on FBI crime data in population data for metropolitan areas, there is no connection between illegal (undocumented) immigration and crime; if anything, the trend is that illegal (undocumented) immigrants commit less crime than American citizens.
Statistics are available for incarceration rates for the following ten groups**:
All U.S. born: 3.51%
Non-Hispanic whites U.S. born: 1.71%
Non-Hispanic blacks U.S. born: 11.61%
Hispanics U.S. born: 2.3% to 5.9% based on country or ethnic origin
Asians U.S. born: 1% to 7.2%
All foreign born: 0.86%
Non-Hispanic whites foreign born: 0.57%
Non-Hispanic blacks foreign born: 2.47%
Hispanics foreign born: 0.2% to 2.2% based on country or ethnic origin
Asians foreign born: 0.1% to 0.9%
Unfortunately, these groups do not separate the foreign into legal and illegal immigrants. But most of the illegal immigrants are in the 9th group: Hispanics foreign born.
Note that the group with most of the illegal immigrants, group 9: Hispanics foreign born, has a substantially lower incarceration rate than group 1: All U.S. born. To the extent that these data provide any evidence about whether illegal immigrants are more or less criminal than American born people, they suggest that illegal immigrants are less criminal.
Some might argue that the comparison should be a different one. They would say we should compare group 4: Hispanics U.S. born, to group 2: Non-Hispanic whites U.S. born. The rationale for this would be a) it’s the second and third generations of the illegal immigrants who are the criminals and b) ignore group 3: Non-Hispanic blacks U.S. born because, well, it makes the anti-illegal immigrant argument too weak if we don’t.
OK. If we do as these folks suggest, we see that group 4 (the 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics born in the U.S.) have a higher incarceration rate than group 2 (Non-Hispanic whites born in the U.S.); it’s “2.3% to 5.9%” versus 1.71%. This comparison (of dubious merit in the first place) makes the illegal immigrants’ U.S. born children appear to be more criminal than whites born in the U.S.
But there is an important fact to take into consideration in interpreting this comparison, and it is demonstrated by, of all sources, The American Conservative magazine in an online article. This conservative article points out that the age distribution of Hispanics is much different from that of whites: the median age of Hispanics is around 27 “near the absolute peak of the prime-crime age range. But the median white age is over 40, putting nearly half the white population above the likely age range for committing crimes. While it is certainly true that Hispanic 23-year-olds have much greater criminal tendencies than white 45-year-olds, a more useful question is the relative criminality of Hispanics and whites of the same age.” This article then proceeds to do a long age-adjusted analysis and concludes with these words:
Conservatives have traditionally prided themselves on being realists, dealing with the world as it is rather than attempting to force it to conform to a pre-existing ideological framework. But just as many on the Right succumbed to a fantastical foreign policy that makes the world much more dangerous than it needs to be, some have also accepted the myth that Hispanic immigrants and their children have high crime rates. Such an argument may have considerable emotional appeal, but there is very little hard evidence behind it.
A December 20, 2020 article in the prestigious PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) peer reviewed journal reported:
"we find that undocumented immigrants have considerably lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of criminal offenses, including violent, property, drug, and traffic crimes. We also report no evidence that undocumented criminality has become more prevalent in recent years across any crime category."
When it comes to anti-illegal immigrant propaganda, however, hard data is not what most Americans hear about. What most Americans hear is like what this author heard while listening to his local right-wing talk radio show. The show’s host reported that, while driving on a major artery, a car cut him off to get to an exit. Now it turns out that one can take this exit to get to many different towns. But the talk show host ignored that little detail and said that since that exit could be used to get to a town whose residents included some illegal immigrants, that therefore he was sure the driver of the car that cut him off was an illegal immigrant, and it just goes to show how awful those illegal immigrants are, “Doncha know?” This talk-show host is paid to implement divide-and-rule, and he clearly works very hard at it.
Anti-illegal-immigrant views based on the myth of their criminality are completely illogical. Here's another typical example.
Meredith Warren's opinion article July 31, 2015, "‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law," uses specious logic. Warren cites the murder of Kate Steinle by, allegedly, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez in San Francisco to conclude that illegal immigrant Mexicans should be aggressively found and deported and local police should fully cooperate with federal authorities in this endeavor. Warren's "logic" goes like this: Lopez-Sanchez was an illegal Mexican immigrant. He allegedly murdered a woman. Therefore all illegal Mexican immigrants should be deported (as the federal law calls for) and the local police should help do that, or else more innocent people will be murdered by illegal Mexican immigrants.
By this same so-called "logic" one could reason as follows: Lopez-Sanchez had black hair. He allegedly murdered a woman. Therefore all people with black hair should be treated as dangerous likely murderers and in some fashion be preemptively prevented from murdering people, or else more innocent people will be murdered by black-haired people. The falseness of this is obvious because we know that black-haired people are no more likely to be murderers than non-black-haired people. The falseness of Warren's "logic," however, is only obvious if one similarly knows that, in fact, (as reported by the American Immigration Council here):
Crime Rates Have Declined as Immigration Has Increased
Even as the undocumented population has doubled to 12 million since 1994, the violent crime rate in the United States has declined 34.2 percent and the property crime rate has fallen 26.4 percent.
Cities with large immigrant populations such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Miami also have experienced declining crime rates during this period.
Immigrants Have Lower Incarceration Rates than Natives
Among men age 18-39 (who comprise the vast majority of the prison population), the 3.5 percent incarceration rate of the native-born in 2000 was 5 times higher than the 0.7 percent incarceration rate of the foreign-born.
The foreign-born incarceration rate in 2000 was nearly two-and-a-half times less than the 1.7 percent rate for native-born non-Hispanic white men and almost 17 times less than the 11.6 percent rate for native-born black men.
Native-born Hispanic men were nearly 7 times more likely to be in prison than foreign-born Hispanic men in 2000, while the incarceration rate of native-born non-Hispanic white men was almost 3 times higher than that of foreign-born white men.
Foreign-born Mexicans had an incarceration rate of only 0.7 percent in 2000—more than 8 times lower than the 5.9 percent rate of native-born males of Mexican descent. Foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men had an incarceration rate of 0.5 percent, compared to 3.0 percent of native-born males of Salvadoran and Guatemalan descent.
The logically relevant fact about Lopez-Sanchez is not that he was an illegal Mexican immigrant, but rather that he had seven prior felony convictions. If Warren had argued that local police should help federal authorities aggressively incarcerate seven-time felony convicts so that they don't murder people, that would have been logical. But instead Warren used specious "logic" to turn her readers against a category of people who suffer not only poverty due to unjust class inequality but also slander by billionaires such as Donald Trump. It's time to stop thinking of illegal immigrants as criminals.
As for the small number of real criminals among the illegal immigrants, they should be treated the same way we treat criminals who are citizens: arrest them and prosecute them for their crimes. If our rulers were truly concerned for public safety and if there were not enough police to keep us safe from illegal immigrant criminals (two big 'if's) then they (our rulers) could bring home all the U.S. military forces that are now in foreign countries killing innocent people or doing nothing useful (as in Germany and South Korea) and let them deal with the supposedly huge numbers of criminals caused by illegal immigration. But this is the LAST thing our rulers are interested in doing.
Massive illegal immigration makes it possible for Big $ to use the immigrants as super cheap labor, especially in agriculture and construction jobs, because these immigrant workers cannot easily form unions and go on strike to get better wages and working conditions for fear of deportation. THIS is why the jobs they work are so shitty and why, as liberals love to say without explaining the reason for it, “Americans don’t want to work in those jobs.”
Massive illegal immigration also means many new residents in towns and cities competing for already scarce housing and schools and hospitals and other services that are scarce due to the fact that the billionaires hoard society’s wealth for their own luxurious use and for a huge military and weapons industry that is all about protecting their unjust wealth and power and privilege.
Thanks John. Your contributions to the true nature of government narratives is a breath of fresh air. Seen through this prism of a class war all the deceptions of the elites become crystal clear.
Very clearly explained. Thank you.
Now if only this information could reach the majority of Americans..