Indeed so. This is the very battle we have been waging for years with the Green Party infil-traitors and their gullible followers. The best defense is a good offense. Here, ridicule is a good antidote along with refusing to take it seriously.
On what basis do you infer that I attribute humanitarian motives to billionaire John Henry who owns the Boston Globe? I didn't think it was necessary to explicitly spell out the fact that an evil person, when realizing that the lie they have been advocating is so absurd that pretty soon no one will believe it and they will be exposed as, at best, an idiot, will have an evil motive for back-tracking on the absurd lie.
What is it with these Devils/Have's that they are not satisfied unless they are bringing total havoc upon those they feel are beneath them?
And this Capitalistic Country. disguised as a Democracy is their perfect Gated Community where all those who Love Money and Power can live and rule amongst their own kind . From High Above in their Mighty Ivory Towers they can create Chaos upon the Children of God/ Have-Nots by enticing them to Sin in all manners of Hatred.... which by design destroys are own Human Condition and somehow Enhances theirs. It is obvious by their actions they cannot Love. So it would seem that they sow Misery and Fear upon us so that we bloom the seeds of Sins which they need to Feed on. They despise us simply because we can Love. And as everyone knows no amount of Money can buy Love.
I could never come to terms with Jesus's remark to' Love your Enemy' or to 'turn the other cheek'. Because ,I like you, hate and despise these Bastards for their monumental insolence and mighty arrogance. I don't feel they deserve anything less than to spend a eternity in suffering.
But just maybe Jesus was telling us to stop Feeding their Dark Souls with the Sinful Energy
we provide to them by our Hate for them.
In the single Prayer he taught us (the Our Father) he said for us to ask His Father to "deliver us from evil) . It would be the Hardest thing for Us ... the Have-Nots, Including Myself to Do .... and it goes against everything we are taught to fight back against Evil people.....
But what if , we stopped feeding them with our hatred and sins?
What would Happen?
someone help me out with this..... What do you think?
Indeed so. This is the very battle we have been waging for years with the Green Party infil-traitors and their gullible followers. The best defense is a good offense. Here, ridicule is a good antidote along with refusing to take it seriously.
Why do you attribute humanitarian motives to these motherfuckers?
On what basis do you infer that I attribute humanitarian motives to billionaire John Henry who owns the Boston Globe? I didn't think it was necessary to explicitly spell out the fact that an evil person, when realizing that the lie they have been advocating is so absurd that pretty soon no one will believe it and they will be exposed as, at best, an idiot, will have an evil motive for back-tracking on the absurd lie.
It was the Globe Opinion piece author who did that attribution, not yours truly.
What is it with these Devils/Have's that they are not satisfied unless they are bringing total havoc upon those they feel are beneath them?
And this Capitalistic Country. disguised as a Democracy is their perfect Gated Community where all those who Love Money and Power can live and rule amongst their own kind . From High Above in their Mighty Ivory Towers they can create Chaos upon the Children of God/ Have-Nots by enticing them to Sin in all manners of Hatred.... which by design destroys are own Human Condition and somehow Enhances theirs. It is obvious by their actions they cannot Love. So it would seem that they sow Misery and Fear upon us so that we bloom the seeds of Sins which they need to Feed on. They despise us simply because we can Love. And as everyone knows no amount of Money can buy Love.
I could never come to terms with Jesus's remark to' Love your Enemy' or to 'turn the other cheek'. Because ,I like you, hate and despise these Bastards for their monumental insolence and mighty arrogance. I don't feel they deserve anything less than to spend a eternity in suffering.
But just maybe Jesus was telling us to stop Feeding their Dark Souls with the Sinful Energy
we provide to them by our Hate for them.
In the single Prayer he taught us (the Our Father) he said for us to ask His Father to "deliver us from evil) . It would be the Hardest thing for Us ... the Have-Nots, Including Myself to Do .... and it goes against everything we are taught to fight back against Evil people.....
But what if , we stopped feeding them with our hatred and sins?
What would Happen?
someone help me out with this..... What do you think?
just saying
I don't know.