Enjoyed your thoughts on how governments are targeting small farmers by forcing them to incorporate the same certified waste infrastructure that is required by a very large and wealthy farmers. These acts certainly reek of the same Predatory Logic that has brought us to the elimination of small businesses on Main Street USA vs Walmart, + Amazon + Costco who all now buy in Global Markets and use Large Interstate Trucking outfits to transport their goods vs Smaller Independent Driver's. In PA Big Agri is so concerned about the runoff of soil into the Susquehanna river basin but strangely not at all by their Mega Warehouses that have popped up along every East- West main arteries that are owned by the very large National Transportation companies. Or by any emissions that never get checked by any State Registered emission testing center. After I retired, I drove a truck for 9 years.... The truck had to be inspected twice a year. NEVER was the engine emissions ever tested.... and no sane trucker would ever complain about that.. just fork out the usual $100+ and be glad to go on his way.
I know all of Europe is having major protests by farmers on various issues so this whole action by the Globalists seems to be to move all food implementation into the hands of
a very few Rich Men , like Bill Gates.... Who will then very happily poison us all in the name of Nutrition.
Frankly, I cannot understand why these small farmers , especially the dairy farmers who don't stick together at all against the Co Ops that are singlehandedly destroying them.
Neither are the Independent Trucker's.... Where there is really only the OOIDA organization that helps them. I always saw it as.... both jobs entailed a person to be independent in nature in order to perform the types of duties that those types of jobs required. But it was that independence that ultimately is there undoing when faced against a strong unified foe.
Sometimes I think that all the Have,-Nots share that same character trait.
Enjoyed your thoughts on how governments are targeting small farmers by forcing them to incorporate the same certified waste infrastructure that is required by a very large and wealthy farmers. These acts certainly reek of the same Predatory Logic that has brought us to the elimination of small businesses on Main Street USA vs Walmart, + Amazon + Costco who all now buy in Global Markets and use Large Interstate Trucking outfits to transport their goods vs Smaller Independent Driver's. In PA Big Agri is so concerned about the runoff of soil into the Susquehanna river basin but strangely not at all by their Mega Warehouses that have popped up along every East- West main arteries that are owned by the very large National Transportation companies. Or by any emissions that never get checked by any State Registered emission testing center. After I retired, I drove a truck for 9 years.... The truck had to be inspected twice a year. NEVER was the engine emissions ever tested.... and no sane trucker would ever complain about that.. just fork out the usual $100+ and be glad to go on his way.
I know all of Europe is having major protests by farmers on various issues so this whole action by the Globalists seems to be to move all food implementation into the hands of
a very few Rich Men , like Bill Gates.... Who will then very happily poison us all in the name of Nutrition.
Frankly, I cannot understand why these small farmers , especially the dairy farmers who don't stick together at all against the Co Ops that are singlehandedly destroying them.
Neither are the Independent Trucker's.... Where there is really only the OOIDA organization that helps them. I always saw it as.... both jobs entailed a person to be independent in nature in order to perform the types of duties that those types of jobs required. But it was that independence that ultimately is there undoing when faced against a strong unified foe.
Sometimes I think that all the Have,-Nots share that same character trait.
just saying