She also, unlike Cornel West and Emanuel Patreich, only whispers her opposition to the mRNA vaccine mandates, for fear of being labeled (horrors!) an "anti-vaxxer!" And she is gung ho for 'the purported rights of "Trans females" to groom children and invade women's spaces, as well as identity politics in general.

Not voting for her, unless she changes her tune real fast.

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The Greens 2024 are roughly equivalent to the Democratic Party in the 1960s. They put forth the notion that Capitalism can be tinkered with to reform itself and there is therefore no need to overthrow it using a revolutionary approach the aim being egalitarianism in a broad sense.

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The Great and Final War of Good vs Evil is Now Upon Us. If there were were War commentators amongst us... who have the spiritual prowess and the 'eyes' and the 'ears' to see and hear this spectacular Battle play out ,they would unquestionably tell us.... Evil is dominating the first quarter of this Final Game 'Hands Down'.

The real maddening fact about this ' Battle'

Is that most or all of the particular players in the 'Game'. don't even know the rules of the game or the fact that they are even playing in the game or being played by it or for that matter.

John describes this phenomenon as 'controlled opposition'.... using people with good intentions to 'rattle the cages', 'wake people up', educate them to what their eyes and ears can't show them.... and in the process making people more angry and more willing to lash out at what they conceive are their evil adversaries. Meanwhile, their real 'invisible' opponents that they cannot even see or hurt.are left totally unharmed.. This unsatisfying outcome always results in us feeling a complete helplessness and a loss of all Hope and gradually allows us to slip into a condition of Total Despair.

John recommends that you should instead

help build an Egalitarian Movement which will eventually remove these Bastards from Power.

It's the 'Hail Mary' play that would and should work!

So why isn't anyone willing to try it?

Is it because as John says..... they don't believe that all the other members of the team will want to go along with it?

My own personal 'take' on this is that the 'devil's' of the world have been steadily working for decades in moving us away from our own 'Spirituality '.

they tell us it takes a 'hero' to fight in their wars that they deem as crucial for our freedom.

they have us feasting on their poisonous foods while their starving the rest of the world.

they destroyed the idea of a loving marriage by making women believe that 'Patriarchy' is synonymous with domesticated domination .

they enabled the legal murder of the unborn children for selfish reasons

they make us despise anyone getting treated better than us

they make us desire for others to fail so they can feel öur own insecurities and weakness.

they convincingly show us how their lies are stronger than our truths

their trying to prove to us that their is truly no difference in the genders

they are continuously discrediting and breaking the souls and spirits of those we look up to... on their Sacrificial Altars of Public Humiliation

they are telling us their AI programs and humanoids are much better than we are

they are trying their best to rip out our very souls that our Creator has given us.


we our now living in a world that is so completely alien to everything our spiritual senses once knew...

we now should know exactly how Adam and Eve felt when they were abducted from the Garden and arrived here in this place.

We need to get back to our Spirituality

We need to remember why Jesus was sent here to tell us...

We need to understand exactly who we are dealing with....

All the Power we need to defeat this ... We have within us....

We are the Tin Man, the Lion, the Straw Man

and the ruler of this world is the spineless , deceitful, cowardly Bastard that is trying to control all the levers to make us believe he is the master of our destiny.

All we have to do is wake up from this dream of Oz and realize we are no longer in Kansas.

Just saying....

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It is all very well to despise the "...dictatorship of the rich..." however, currently there are certain well defending structures that protect these leeches from any challenge. The protections start with the elected parliamentary representatives and the un-elected mandarins that operate the alphabet government agencies with impunity. These are the perpetrators of the ignominy that haunts the US Nation. They are the "controllers". The billionaires are also private citizens sitting their ivory towers however as in a democratic society their ill-gotten gains remain inviolable and protected by the "deep" state. We the people should be careful to not demonstrate the "politics of envy", rather proclaim the "politics of equity". Any sense of an egalitarian revolution to remove the "controllers" must occur via the ballot box. Sure, that system is subject to corruption in its present form however if enough registered voters were to rise up and vote out both the Republicans AND Democrats at state and federal level then reforming change will begin. Then the billionaires will start to look for tropical islands where they can avoid the gaze of the reforming citizens.

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