John - You are right, and happy you pointed to the specifics. Here is an out of the box solution, please read and comment https://alannahartzok.substack.com/p/palestine-israel-cutting-the-gordian

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You are right that there is no reason Jews and Palestinians cannot share the land in peace. The only obstacle to this—and it will take a revolution by the have-nots (Jewish and Muslim and Christian) to remove the haves (Jewish and Muslim and Christian) from power in order to remove it—is the upper classes who need to keep people at war with each other along “Jews versus Palestinians” line to remain in power.

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Yes! You may know there is a clear jubilee justice perennial wisdom teaching tradition in the Abrahamic faiths that is based on NO usury and ways to fairly share the land and natural resources. I am compiling a list of resources on this now. Perhaps you could join us for Equinox Earth Day 2024 events bringing for Earth Rights principles and policies. See: https://theiu.org/earth-day/

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