I LOVE the point you are making about the difference between Apathy and Hopelessness. Because hope can come from clarity as to the way forward to create a world of No Rich No Poor, a world beyond war as well. Would that our movements could find a way to work together as the one that I engage with (international) works to solve the problem by shifting taxes off of labor and production and onto the "commons rent" - and is a decentralized approach that strengthens local economics and addresses and remedies the housing affordability and homelessness problems at their source. This is based on the book Progress and Poverty and other work and writings of the great American political economist who address the wealth inequality issue, Henry George. See theIU.org and subscribe to our newsletter. And John I look forward to viewing the video on Utopia you linked, thanks!

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Thank you.

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Since you appear to be on board with the UN with your organization, do you also support the WHO and its agenda to control the health care of the people of the US as well as apparently the rest of the world, as exemplified by the so-called Pandemic Treaty? As an affiliate of the UN, your organization, of which you are listed as the administrator, does your organization advocate the seizure of Bill Gates’ assets, in order to begin the process of creating a world of No Rich No Poor? Or are you just here to spoof?

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