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John, I forwarded to your site PDRBoston.org the William Barber Poor People's Campaign notice for their event down in Washington DC on May 29, 2024. There is a link to sign up for coming to their march and receiving further information on how it will be run. I went down with them in 2022. Was picked up in Pa on one of their buses that was passing thru from Syracuse NY and delivered back to Pa after the event. A full bus holds approx 50+ people.

If you could get that amount out of Boston you could have the entire bus for your Egalitarian members. I'm sure there will be further information on how to do this coming later from his campaign logistics group. I understand every leader of an organization feels that his group should be the focus of an event but I also feel Solidarity between other factions that have a general interest in everyone's total outcome for a better World is important too. Plus it will make for a fine and interesting day to be down in DC .. to see the sights and all the wonderful have -nots that will be there.

just saying

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