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Dear John, I think that many in the Palestine human rights movement are not atheist. I think many see that we are in a spiritual battle, largely supported by a hi-jacking of the Christian religion through the eschatology of the Scofield Reference Bible among Baptist and Evangelical Christians, whose leaders draw checks directly from the Israeli treasury. Claims are that the Scofield Reference Bible was a Rothschild sponsored psyop. If you look into the concerns that Christendom has had with the Talmud such as those revealed in the Disputation of Paris and religious basis for Jewish supremacy as practiced in Israel as exposed by scholars such as Prof. Israel Shahak, you can see that this is a spiritual battle including the 20th century Satanic manipulation of the Christian religion to make otherwise moral Christians become deluded tools of a genocide against fellow Christians and their Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. Communism fails to address the spiritual battle other than to dismiss it all as irrational and backwards. (Is society really moving forwards? Gender ideology? Transhumanism? Euthanasia? Mandatory poisoning with untested gene therapy? Surveillance of every communication over electronic media? GMO food?) Communism fails to address metaphysics. That is part of why it has failed to retain its relevance. People are becoming more spiritual as they are faced with the increasing levels of dehumanization in our society with power increasingly concentrating into the hands of those who seek to enslave all of humanity in a 5-g internet-of-things mediated social credit score style globally run system. We are all Palestinian. And more and more people, especially since the extremely audacious COVID tyranny operation, see that. Without the armor of God, we will fail. Allah Akbar. Seeing ourselves as the exploited class of "workers of the world" forces us to adopt an ideology that dehumanizes and trivializes the spiritual. It is a non-starter for the strongest currents in the Palestinian human rights movement. It looks good on a white board, but so did Esperanto. In practice, it is not adopted. So, we need to work in the terms that are relevant. But I do 100% agree with you that regular Israelis are being used to facilitate a divide and conquer strategy meant to shepherd us into our 5-g internet-of-things prison cells and that they will be as much victims as the rest of us. They too were poisoned with the gene therapy jabs. They too are "Palestinians" to the elites, slated for culling and dispossession. They too will "own nothing and be happy." I do share your call to work to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect with regular Jewish Israelis and Zionist Jewish Americans, but we must never coddle the Jewish supremacy that they have been indoctrinated with. There have to be standards. Seeing all human beings as equally sacred is a baseline for any kind of meaningful relationship that includes trust. There are many Israelis and many American Jews up for the task, though. And I suspect these recent events are only increasing their number. One tiny silver lining in these latest genocidal spasms of evil coming from Jewish supremacism. (But many do want to hold on to Jewish privilege and Jewish exceptionalism in order to control other people. That must not be tolerated. This will not enable us all to unite across the efforts to divide us.) God Bless you for trying to promote peace and mutual understanding. Sorry that my ideas are not well formed, but this is a rough sketch of where I see a limitation in your appeal. However, I do agree that we are in a dangerous time where we must refuse to be divided from the regular people of any society or faith or community. They want to enslave us all and they can only do it if they divide us against each other. Our best resistance is to refuse to hate our enemy, even if we must act to protect ourselves or the defenseless against them and help others see how it is a dead end to sell out to the globalist enslavers. We cannot relinquish the duty to stand up against evil, but we will be most successful if we resist the temptation to seek vengeance or to feed hatred in our hearts. With love even for our enemy, we can minimize conflict and have the best chance of reconciliation and finding paths to true peace based on trust and mutual respect. Christ called us to love. Even if you do not believe Christ is God like I do, you can perhaps see the wisdom of His message.

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