Generally, I'm sympathetic to your point of view. One of my friends in the medical freedom movement pointed out that there's a difference between esoteric and exoteric causes. The esoteric are the causes that we and only we--la cosa nostra--understand. So we have to get the dummies--ordinary people--to understand them. This will not be effective. It's ok to talk about medical freedom, the Great Reset, etc. but we have to talk about the exoteric causes, having to do with ordinary peoples' existential needs.

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I've traced this deplorable tendency to a petite bourgeois mentality peculiar to the middle class--narcissism about their own concerns, with no interest in any revolution that might disturb their privileges under the present system.

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I think it's not so much fear of losing their own privileges but rather wrongly viewing anger over exoteric (overt) crimes as less principled, less noble, less radical/revolutionary than anger over esoteric (covert) crimes. Elitism is involved here, since it is the select few who know about and are angry at the esoteric (covert) crimes and it is the great unwashed hoi polloi that are angry at the exoteric (overt) crimes.

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Yes, there's that.

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Seems almost a no-brainer that promoting the overt crimes narrative would appeal to most people but it still has to overcome an ingrained respect for authority in all its guises.

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I believe there is sufficient evidence now available to justify arresting certain scientists and bureaucrats with charges relating to fraudulent behaviour with malicious intent, medical mal-practice negligence of duty of care, conspiracy to commit crimes involving the deliberate acquisition of tax payers funds for the sole purpose of financial gain. etc; etc;. As to conspiracy to commit mass murder on an international level I doubt that sufficient specific evidence exists to satisfy a jury in a court of law. The only way to effectively punish the principals involved in this gross scam is reclaim the billions of dollars that was acquired via false and unethical means. Nothing distresses a billionaire more than a diminished bank account!

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The debate/ question raised here is: Which is a stronger motivator-- Fear?, or Anger?

Fear, being the "covert" threat.

Anger, being the overt threat.

I think both are strong motivators.

And it seems to me, that the most insidiously effective one, is unfortunately - fear.

People seem to think the overt ones, can be managed by voting.

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I think the question is "Which is the issue that will motivate the most people to build a revolutionary movement: something that hundreds of millions of people are angry at because they know from personal experience it is a real evil, or something that only thousands of people are angry at because only thousands know of it and believe it is truly happening?"

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Yes, of course. The greatest number of voices, wins. I just wonder what will gain that number? Fear, or anger?................It seems that both, have proven to be powerful motivators in history?..... That said, I did my share today, towards building more numbers from overt ( anger ) issues: I have a drug treatment now that, without insurance, would cost a year, $30,000. I told this to the person taking my information at the desk. Then she told me there were even more expensive treatments there.. but " what can you do?".... I told her, "Well, cancer does not care if you are a Republican or Democrat. Everyone gets cancer. And the fact that almost no one can pay for treatment.. is horrible. And when everyone, Republicans and Democrats and everyone else...gets angry enough about this... is when it can change." She agreed.

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