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The only reason zionist republicans want to move tbe attack resources from being directed at rusdia is becasue they want all US weapon-power and focus to be concentrated on their coming attack on china and iran (which will happen shortly after trump and his zionist billionaores enter the white house in 2025) and to provide the israeli ruling class with the dollars and weapons to "finish the job" of erasing the local people in palestine to make way for "the chosen people" (who were apparebtly given the "divine right" by their fake nationalist "god" to eliminate the locals and take over their "promised land"). To call these vile vile repuican murderers "doves" and "anti-war" (as the Qanon/MAGA conservatives are being repeatedly told in their echo-chbers) is a sad cruel joke.

PS. Another reason conservatives want to move the attack resources from russia into the attack on china, iran and palestinians is becasue russia is christian and white, meaning, superior in value to non-christians/jews and non-whites...don't forget, christians should not kill christian or jews but only the "evil non-christian/jews"

And of course don't forget trump's attack and assasination of Iran's top military general Suleimani (equivalent to assasinating the american head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) while Suleimani was on his way for talks about fighting ISIS (yet another one of the zionists and NeoCon's creations).

The zionist-inspired profoundly stupid assasination by trump on the iranian general Sulimani (during trump's firat presideny) is one of the clearest indications that psychologically-undeveloped trump and the psychopathic NeoConservative zionist warmongers that he surrounded himself with, will have no qualms whatsoever about attacking iran and china once trump and his deep-state israelis are back in the white house in 2025.

It's not for nothing that genocidal supremacist child-abuser & torturer Netanyahu hailed trump as the greatest zionist president in history,.

Trump and mike pompeo, the CIA's deep state coup expert and compulsive liar and deceiver, which trump made into his Secretary of State, both of these idiots together lied through their teeth and manufactured a fake pretext to launch the brazen, profoundly destructive assasination.

ConMan trump deliberately fabricated what he claimed was a "self-defense" rationale for the assassination (which was the most severe instance of direct state-on-state warfare attack by the american zionist ruling class on Iran since the "revolution" of 1979, and a hint on what's to come once trump and the israeli billionaires are back in the white house).

Trump and the NeoConservative zionist war-profiteers and regime change fanatics, with which he filled his administration, actually tried to invoke the 2002 AUMF in Iraq -- yes, the Iraq War resolution that Joe Biden infamously voted for -- as justification for the soleimani assasination. ConMan trump and his war-profiteering zionist handlers lied through his teeth and claimed there was an "imminent survival threat" to the US, parroting the language that the Bush Administration's used to sell the Iraq invasion to heavily-propagandized & deceived conservatives. ConMan liar trump, his CIA appointees and his genocidal zionist billionaire pals even absurdly claimed that part of the rationale for the assassination was that Iran had provided support to the 9/11 hijackers, 20 years previously. No argument was too preposterous for these greedy blood-thirsty anti-life billionaire deceivers (and this lie by anti-humanity trump and his blood-thirsty NeoConservative Zionist murderers is especially sinister cynical immoral and monstrous becasue it was actually these right-wing NeoConservative zionists themselves who were behind 9/11, as shown in numerous places, for example here https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job and here https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/

Trump's assasination of one of the most prominent figures in Iranian society effectively destroyed any prospect of future diplomatic engagement (which is precisely what the NeoCon murderers were aiming for. A constant state of nationalist-religious division, animosity and violence is precisely what these abusers thriveon). Millions in Iran flooded the streets in protest in a clear shift to the right in iranian society as a result of trump's attack (while strengthening the popularity of the conservative-religious abusers in iran's rabidly right-wing government, as a direct result of trump's attack), The Iraqi parliament demanded the immediate expulsion of all occupying US troops from the country, but rather than take this grand opportunity to finally extricate tbe occupying US forces, Trump (who before the elections promised he would withdraw the troops and who was supposed to be 'anti-war president' according to his heavily-propagandized conservative cult followers) refused to take this major opportunity to remove the occupying forces, but instead did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said before the elections that he would do and kept the occupying soldiers there and even sent some more (but don't forget what we taught you in tbe conservative echo-chamber - he's a 'president of peace' who is opposed to the zionist war profiteers, because he really really cares about the little guy and came to help free us from the deep state. Sure he does).

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