Of course. The billionnaire class includes nouveas, though I am not sure Bezos is a nouveau. Elon is nouveau, but who predicts Elon, and is he Euro, South African, or what? I am in this brouhaha on Elsa's as she seems to me to try to scapegoat what she calls "Muslims," while failing to understand the difference between that label and "Islamacist," which some "Muslims" brand as heretical. Don't even say "vonder Leyan" to me. Beryl will soon be visiting Tulum soon, I guess, and a hurricane will rile me up enough for one night and day.

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Nah. He gets it. It is just that being perplexed is an emotive state that newbies can understand and relate to. The judge and his guests need to create bonds with newbies to Judge Nap's fora, fora which go on in sequence almost all day, .

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What do YOU think is the actual motivation for the warmongering?

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Land-and resource-grabs. Doesn't this seem obvious? They do these cycles over and over. Aside from illegal cluster bombs, debt is another of their tools.

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I think you are overlooking a far more important motive, and one that, when Americans know of it, makes them anti-Zionist even if they were previously passionately pro-Israel because they thought this is what one had to be in order to be on the "side of the Jews." Please read about this motive in my article at https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to . Please let me know what you think after you read it. OK?

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