Why I Believe Jewish Voice for Peace Is Controlled by Israel's Mossad
And why the anti-Zionism movement doesn't gain the support of the vast majority of Americans the way the anti-South-Africa-apartheid movement did
The demonstration of Jews at the US capitol described here has two aspects.
First, its demand for a cease fire is righteous and I support it and the rank-and-file people making it.
Second, the main leadership organization of this demonstration is Jewish Voice for Peace, which claims (perhaps truthfully) to be the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world. I was for a brief time a member of JVP. As soon as (on a zoom chapter meeting) I asked other JVP members of the local Boston chapter I was in to take a look at my article, "Israel's Government Attacks Ordinary Jews As Well as Palestinians," the local leadership expelled me from the JVP, and when I appealed to the national leadership it agreed with the local leadership that I should be expelled.
You can read all of the email exchanges between me and the local and national leaders here, and I think you will find it extremely interesting.
In my opinion (and not just mine) this is what's going on.
I believe Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency) controls JVP. Why? Because JVP acts exactly as if it were controlled by Mossad. An honest anti-Zionist organization would not have expelled me simply for asking JVP members to take a look at my article. But an anti-Zionist organization controlled by Mossad would, for the reason I will now explain. (JVP is definitely funded by the Rockefellers (also reported here and the Rockefeller-funded Tides foundation gave JVP $500,000 over five years as you can read about here), and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Rockefellers fund Mossad.)
I believe the purpose of JVP is to channel the inevitable Jewish outrage at Zionist violence against Palestinians (especially the bombing of civilians in Gaza) into the kind of movement that will not ever gain the support of the great majority of Americans the way the anti-South-Africa-apartheid movement did gain such support (and thereby forced the US government to do a 180 on South African apartheid and sanction it). This is how it works.
JVP never explains (as does my article, which they don't want anybody to read) that Zionist violence against Palestinians is not for the purpose of making Jews safe, but is in fact for the opposite purpose. Its purpose is to make Palestinians be the bogeyman enemy that the billionaire ruling class of Israel uses to make Israeli Jewish working class people be obedient to the Jewish billionaire ruling class that oppresses them horribly economically to get rich at their expense.*
Instead of explaining the true purpose of Zionist violence, JVP implicitly accepts as true the Zionist lie. JVP thus says: “Palestinians should not suffer in order to make Jews safe.” In other words, JVP’s pitch to people is this: "The choice is to side with Israeli Jews and the violence done to make them safe, OR to side with Palestinians. We side with Palestinians, and you should too."
Mossad: If there are going to be Jews against Zionism no matter what, then make sure they remain ineffective
Mossad knows that this pitch of JVP will gain the support ONLY of the minority of the American public (about 25%, depending on whether Israel is bombing Gaza at the time) who will side with Palestinians when they believe that doing so means opposing the very thing that is keeping Jews safe: Zionism and its violence. Mossad knows that most Americans are understandably sympathetic to Jews because of the Holocaust, and this is why the Zionist argument, “Anti-Zionism is antisemitic in effect if not intent because it opposes that which is necessary to make Jews safe,” will prevent most Americans from siding with the Palestinians as long as they believe this means going against the Jews, which is exactly what JVP asks them to do.
If JVP explained the true purpose of Zionist violence—that it is to control and oppress BOTH ordinary Palestinians AND ordinary Israeli Jews—then it would gain the support of the vast majority of Americans, including (as my personal experience confirms) the support of Jews who are initially passionately pro-Israel. This is why Mossad makes sure that JVP never explains the true purpose of Zionist violence. Read the email exchanges between JVP leaders and me and think about what it reveals. The JVP leaders say things that make absolutely no sense, until you realize they are following Mossad orders.
* When JVP answers the question “What is the harm of Zionism against Jewish people” it essentially says that in using violence to make Jews safe there are some negative unintended consequences. JVP hides the fact that Zionist violence is all about enabling the billionaire ruling class of Israel to oppress working class Jews and not at all about making them safe. Here is the JVP’s cover-up answer to this question; note that when it talks about ‘hierarchized” Jews it mentions ethnicity and race but not class, implying that the Ashkenazi (Western European origin) working class Jews benefit from Zionism, when in fact Ashkenazi Holocaust survivors in Israel also suffer from it:
But what is the harm of Zionism against Jewish people?
There are several main ways in which Zionism can cause harm to Jews:
By conflating Judaism with support for Israel, it forces people critical of Israel to choose between their ethical commitments and their Jewish faith.
The argument that “Israel represents all Jews,” can lead non-Jews to believe that opposing the racist, violent policies of Israel means opposing Jews.
When Zionist organizations defend Israel, they do so fiercely — regardless of whether their target is Jewish!
Zionism, as a political ideology and as a movement, has always hierarchized Jews based on ethnicity and race.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Voice_for_Peace. I suspect the Rockefeller Fund, Schwab, and Vanguard, etc. ( probably not Ben and Jerry's) have more to do with their decision than Mossad, but that can't be ruled out. Have you posted on the JVP faceboot page?