We the Have-Nots Who Want Genuine Democracy and Equality Are the VAST MAJORITY, But We Act Like We Were a Powerless Minority. Here's How to Reverse That.
The billionaire class can dominate us only as long as we act like a powerless minority instead of the vast majority that we are.
We the have-nots who want to remove the rich from power to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor are the vast majority. I prove this here and here and here.
Here’s what we look like (the sign these people—just a sample of 500 people in my 02135 zip code—are proudly displaying says “We the People want affordable housing for ALL. To get it we aim to remove the rich from power to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor” and if you zoom in on any photo online here you can read the sign clearly):
But we act like a tiny hopelessly weak minority. We allow the billionaires to remain in power. We COULD remove the rich from power in the way I describe here.
And we could create the conditions required for us to remove the rich from power by doing the things I discuss here.
I’m guessing that you have not bothered to click on the above links. Right? I’m guessing you haven’t bothered to do so because you don’t really think it is possible to remove the rich from power. Right?
And I’m guessing that the reason you don’t think it is possible, and hence why it’s foolish to actually try to organize an egalitarian revolutionary movement, is because you think that hardly anybody else wants a real revolution to remove the rich from power and have no rich and no poor and real democracy instead of our fake one. You certainly don’t think this is a goal supported by the ordinary people who live in your zip code, the person who rings up your groceries where you shop, the person who delivers a package you bought online, the bank teller (not the ATM machine!) whom you do a transaction with, the person who lives next door to you, the person who sits next to you on the bus or subway when you commute to work, the person who works next to you, etc! Surely, you think, these people do not want a revolution.
These people, you think, believe all the lies they hear on T.V.; that’s why they support the status quo; they even want to keep the rich in power because they hope one day to be rich themselves.
I’m guessing that it has not occurred to you that, in believing the stuff in the previous paragraph about your supposedly anti-revolutionary neighbors, it is YOU who have been bamboozled by the mass media, as I explain here. (Now THAT link is a really scary one to follow, uh?)
Here’s how you can prove that John Spritzler is wrong.
All you have to do is actually talk to your zip-code neighbors and ask them a simple question:
“Do you think the message on this sticker is a good idea or a bad idea?” (Not whether it is possible or not, which is a very different question.)
I’ll even send you some of these stickers for free to help you do it. Read here about how to use this sticker, and read here how to obtain some of them.
But let’s face it. You’re afraid to ask your neighbors this question. You’re afraid they will think you’re some kind of nut, maybe crazy, maybe a terrorist. Much better to avoid such an unpleasant encounter, right? If this is how you feel—afraid to talk with your neighbors about egalitarian revolution—then you are in the vast majority.
And guess what? THIS is why the billionaires are able to keep ruling over us the have-nots. Because the have-nots are AFRAID OF EACH OTHER! The have-nots are atomized this way. The have-nots are PARALYZED when it comes to building an egalitarian revolutionary movement because they are afraid to even talk to their neighbors to find out if they too might support that revolutionary goal.
And yet, when one does talk to one’s neighbors one will find them to be like MY very ordinary and typical neighbors, like these people:
But you’re afraid to even find out, right?
Or not right?
You tell me. Leave a comment.
If you do talk to your neighbors about egalitarian revolution, here’s a useful brief description of what it means.
There is so much to unpackage here, John. You’ve done yeoman work in developing your theories of egalitarianism and even describing some of the nuts and bolts as to how it would function. In many ways the closest organizations that show that humans in the West can actually function like this are the voluntary organizations (voluntary fire departments, e.g.). You’ve taken it a serious step further by describing a political organization of society based on egalitarianism. This naturally incorporates a lot of the principles of Marxism/Leninism and that is apparent to all who will be confronted with the argument. Of course, it is also why anti-Communism remains a stalwart position of the ruling class as it doesn’t want widespread understanding of its priniciples. Better to just smear it. Using the word “Egalitarianism” rather than ML will sidestep the issue of redbaiting initially, but not for long as the ideas have so much overlap. I haven’t had time to read many of your treatises but it sounds like you may be suggesting this transition can take place without a revolutionary political party, perhaps a la the Paris Commune as an example? That’s an interesting thought but hard to imagine (as is so much of revolutionary change that is truly needed in our present circumstances).