Turns Out Most Americans, to Their Credit, Don't Want Men Competing in Women's Sports or Sharing Locker/Shower Rooms with Women, and Don't Want CHILDREN Getting "Sex-change" Surgery & Puberty Blockers
It's obvious that a big reason Trump won is because the Democratic Party promotes insane woke stuff
Most Americans are sick and tired of the woke onslaught against common sense. They don’t want our children being propagandized in our public schools with the false message that they can change their sex with surgery and drugs. They don’t want drag queen children’s story hours in our libraries pushing this nonsense with books like this:
They don’t want public schools “transitioning” our children to a different supposed sex with changed pronouns etc., all in secret from the parents, with the message to the child that their parents are their enemy.
They don’t want surgeons removing the breasts of a 13 year old child just because she says “I am a boy”; this surgery is now mandated in the name of the idiotic “gender affirmation” policy by the thankfully outgoing Department of Health and Human Services.
This is a big reason people voted for Trump.
The reason why the Democratic Party continued to push woke nonsense even though it led to its defeat in the 2024 election is because the purpose of both the Democratic Party and the GOP—both funded by the billionaire plutocracy—is to pit the have-nots against each other. One way they do this is by having the Democratic Party (and its liberal NPR etc. media) say that you have to support something that is stupid or else you’re a bigot. Then the GOP (and its conservative FOX News etc. media) says, “Those liberals are stupid, or worse.” Presto! Divide-and-rule. Read more about this strategy here.
As usual, John gets staight to the heart of the problem namely the divide and rule policies used to divert attention away from their machinations to control the deprived. The links were invaluable. Thanks John
The real question ought not to be "What is a woman," but what is a trans?" The trans ideology falsely conflates biological issues with psychological ones. Everyone needs to point that out when it comes up.