The Haves In the Past Said There Were TOO MANY Have-Nots, and Now TOO FEW Have-Nots: Either Way It's a Pretext For Oppressing Us
Back in 1974 Henry Kissinger and Paul Ehrlich screamed 'TOO MANY;' Now Business Insider shouts 'TOO FEW'
Back in the 1970s there were supposedly TOO MANY have-nots:
The above is from this article. Billionaire Ted Turner was a great fan of Paul Ehrlich; here he is echoing Ehrlich’s call for reducing the earth’s population to “two, two and a half billion people” in a video in this article.
“The United States National Security Council is the highest decision-making body regarding foreign policy in the United States. On December 10, 1974, it completed a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, also called The Kissinger Report, since Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State at the time it was written.” [source here]
Take a look for yourself at The Kissinger Report, a.k.a. National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, as a rather long and very wordy PDF document here. Here is its conclusion:
The overall strategy above provides a general approach through which the difficulties and dangers of population growth and related problems can be approached in a balanced and comprehensive basis. No single effort will do the job. Only a concerted and major effort in a number of carefully selected directions can provide the hope of success in reducing population growth and its unwanted dangers to world economic will-being and political stability. There are no "quick-fixes" in this field.
The Kissinger Report includes gems like this one:
2. Populations with a high proportion of growth. The young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs [least developed countries—J.S.], are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the "establishment," "imperialists," multinational corporations, or other ── often foreign ── influences blamed for their troubles.
Fast forward to the 2020s when all of a sudden there are supposedly TOO FEW have-nots:
BusinessInsider (3% of which is owned by Jeff Bezos and 88%—worth $343M—by Axel Springer SE, the largest digital media publishing house in Europe with total assets of €7.08 billion in 2019 ) now broadcasts the new Big $ message about population (note that the 1.7 fertility rate it refers to below is less than the 2.1 value that is required just to keep the same population level in a developed country and higher when mortality rates are higher.):
Another issue of BusinessInsider reports similarly:
BusinessInsider warns:
Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicted the world's population will max out in in 2064 at 9.7 billion and tumble to 8.8 billion before the century's end.
Paired with an aging population, the result could be a "demographic time bomb," or when there aren't enough young people to support the economy and older generations.
The mass media now are warning that low birthrates are causing populations to get older, with not enough younger people to care for the older ones, and that this is in some cases “a threat to the very survival of the nation.”
In Japan, the rate is also 1.3, and has shown no sign of budging for years. Decades of gimmicks and campaigns have failed to resonate with couples, and the government has belatedly accepted that more financial help may have more impact than lectures from conservative politicians on a woman’s patriotic duty to give birth.
In his first major policy speech of this year, the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, said he had ordered ministries to work together to take “unprecedented, decisive and bold” measures to tackle the low birthrate, which officials labeled a threat to “the very survival of the nation”. (emphasis added)
Another Guardian article:
Back when there were supposedly TOO MANY have-nots, the haves used that claim as a pretext for vile racist atrocities, such as:
Inuit women:
Poor Indigenous Peruvians:
“In Peru, what was originally sold to the country as an altruistic program aimed at helping poor women was, in fact, a targeted attack on the fertility of the Quechua-speaking women who live in the high Andes. The goal, to put it bluntly, was fewer indigenous children.”
The first hint of what was coming came in June 1995 when Fujimori suddenly announced that his government would “disseminate thoroughly the methods of family planning to everyone” in order to make “the women of Peru . . . owners of their destiny.”
His announcement, tellingly, came only two weeks after a visit from then-Vice President Al Gore, who has often railed against the dangers of overpopulation.
At Fujimori’s urging, the Peruvian Congress moved quickly to legalize voluntary sterilization, which up to that point had been illegal. As soon as this happened, the minister of health, Dr. Eduardo Yong Motta, announced that the main method of “family planning” would be sterilization. It turned out to be the only method.
Cheerleading this effort was the US Agency for International Development, which for three decades had been pushing the government of Peru to take decisive action where population growth was concerned. In fact, USAID quickly ponied up $10 million to assist in carrying out the campaign. [emphasis added]
What atrocities will the haves inflict on the have-nots now that they’re saying there are TOO FEW of us? Brave New World-ism? Handmaid Tale-ism? Three-children minimum laws enforced with extreme imposed poverty or worse if the limit is not met? Childlessness after age 22 a crime? Who Knows? Measures like these would be no more extreme than what the haves have already done using ‘curbing population growth’ as their pretext (not to mention the mass murdering the’ve done with different pretexts).
The point is not that it is wrong to adopt policies regarding population size. The point is that it is wrong for the HAVES to be the ones deciding what the have-nots must be made (be it with carrots or with sticks) to do.
One thing is for sure. There are TOO MANY billionaires; there should be No Rich and No Poor. There should be REAL, Not FAKE, democracy.
And the ONLY people who should be making decisions about what how to respond to concerns about population size are the have-nots in their democratic sovereign local assemblies, from which the haves—the likes of Kissinger and Al Gore and Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and Bill Gates, etc.,—must be excluded.
I love reading stuff like that. It's all very important information that never surfaces into the minds of the have-nots. It made me reminisce of the times I lived close to and spent in the Rutgers Historical Library in New Brunswick N.J. They had a whole floor dedicated to the CW. That is where I read all those diaries of soldiers I mentioned including many old and unique out of print books on that time. They also had microfilm readers and tapes of all the CW period newspapers Including Southern and European ones
It was an absolute Paradise for any CW enthusiast.... Not to mention seeing all the young college girls parading around the study hall .
What amazes and perplexes me is how this League of Evil has been around since the Dawn of Man to perpetuate the oppression of the have-nots or what I call the Children of God. . In this present moment their immense egos have seemed to overstepped their supreme arrogance and they are finding themselves in somewhat of a quagmire in selling their GENOCIDE of Gaza. 911 was just too easy for them... What with all the dummified brainwashed patriots waving their Japanese made American flags. This time their cruel Beastiality cannot be so easily dismissed.
It is in this small window of opportunity that their Power can be breached. The have-not AlJazeera reporters are reporting on their evil, the Doctors in Gaza are describing their inhumanity, Cornell West called out the Biden administration ás War Criminals............ But as of yet no democrats (even those who are against the War) will do so. Rashida Tlaib comes close but when she won't step over that line. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE HAVE-NOTS? Is it just as Satan lib.... Skin for skin, no man will place his material things or his life style in danger .. He will always save his own skin., even if it means to allow evil have it's way.
Is that it than, that it is only those who have nothing to lose could become the saviors of humanity.?
Is the truth foretold by Benjamin Franklin that it is only those who seek power and wealth that rise to all the higher offices of government....
and once roosted there, they enable all those who are 'birds of the same feathers' to fill their enterprises, corporations, Halls of Congress and the House of Representatives..... until there is no one to challenge their Power.
The World is Waiting and Hoping for their Savior to Come. He/she will definitely come from the have-not class and his/her message will ignite the World in a light that will cast out all the darkness. I pray your messages of Hope and Understanding of this World are being read by that fated someone right now,who is destined to fulfill that mighty task..
Just saying......
P.S. two questions...
did you write anything on the destruction of marriage that so permeates this country... In their divide and conquer scenario?
I could remember reading years ago...
how the mansions of the rich railroad and oil barons in the Adirondacks NY. + Society Hill in San Francisco were burned down by the working class?
Thank you for putting forth your amazing amount of Truths that are nowhere documented in one place of Knowledge as as such as yours are.
To a young person who's educational background consists of a rudimentary knowledge of basic standardized US history taught in grades 2-12 .Your eye opening posts
on the Truths behind those Lies of that history might seen like borderline 'Conspiracy Theories '.
Also, surely their evaluation of these historical facts presented would be scrutinized under their own moral compass in a Good vs Evil scenario.
It is pretty clear to anyone who reads material outside of a HS curriculum that that all history taught in classrooms grade 1 thru 12 is very heavily slanted with the US being the Good Guys.
In my own life.... It was my fascination with the Civil War that drove me deeper into the manipulations behind all the strategy that drove such a massive killing spree across this land. By reading the numerous diaries of many. enlisted men (not officers) (all have-nots) all serving under different Generals AND Officers, on each side of the divided country both North and South. And comparing their views on the reasons of the war, the ability of their commanders and why they were fighting.... And than reading the diaries from officers and generals on those same questions and finally comparing it to the High Command's and Orders coming out of Washington and Richmond . I could clearly determine that US sanctioned History was just a clever story of propaganda designed to brainwash anyone who would believe their lies at face value.
But just as eye opening to me was the fact that their existed in these followers of the CW , even today, a clear divide on what the real Truths behind the story was. There was those who dominated the CW forums, the major magazines and Book Sellers who endorsed
the North,just because it was the Victor. That somehow gave it exclusive rights on all issues pertaining to humanity.
I E. Collateral Damage .. In other words Human Life did not matter as long as you were the Winner. US Grant lost 50K+ young men, more men than Lee had in his entire army in his 7 week Campaign to Richmond. Same as in Gaza today, same as in Hiroshima yesterday. To the 'Haves' ....Killing is OK , just like their Lies, because they are only a Means to their End Story.
It was also in those years that I learned of what constitutes as the Bible of the 'Haves' - -'On War' written by Carl Von Clausewitz . It adheres to the Strategy of Bringing the War to the People. It was taught at West Point prior to the CW and was referred to as Total War at that time..
Sherman's March to the Sea was a infamous example of Carl's practices. Later on , it's name was changed to Shock and Awe. and even thought the word Genocide was not used in the early 18 hundreds would have been unquestioningly endorsed.
I feel that I was just lucky to be brought up in the tumultuous times of the Sixties simply because most young minds were questioning things. But in these absolutely absurd times Now ,when these 'Haves' are displaying such a Bold and outright contempt for people's lives that even a Deaf and Blind person could feel and know the Evil they possess. They are allowing the young to see thru them and what they really are ...
and along with your ever informative posts on these matters....I believe their own arrogance will outwit them.
Just saying..