The Elephant in the Middle East Living Room No National Leaders Talk About
It's the OBVIOUS way to end the "Israel/Palestine" conflict
The elephant is this fact:
If the Israeli government stopped treating Palestinians like dirt (ended the ethnic cleansing, allowed them to exercise their Right of Return to the part of Palestine now called Israel from which they were driven, made them equal under the law with Jews and provided just compensation for the theft by Zionists of their land and property) then virtually no Palestinians would support any violence against anyone just because they were Jewish or Israeli, and virtually all Palestinians would consider anybody who carried out such violence to be criminally immoral.
If this happened, Hamas would be dead in the water without it costing the life of a single Israeli or Palestinian person.
Hamas and its terrorism, i.e., violence directed against not only those who are using violence to oppress Palestinians (which would be justifiable resistance to oppression) but also against non-combatant Israeli civilians (meaning people who are not armed and are not on-duty IDF soldiers), would end and Palestinians would be eager to help round up any still-active Hamas members as criminals.
It would mean the accomplishment of everything that Israel’s Zionist leaders SAY they want.
But the fact that Israel’s leaders don’t do this shows that peace is absolutely not what they want. They want the conflict to continue. Why? Because it is only this conflict that keeps the Israeli Jewish working class so frightened of the Palestinian bogeyman enemy—which the Israeli ruling class pretends to protect them against—that it (the Jewish working class) doesn’t try to remove the Israeli billionaire ruling class from power. This billionaire class is economically oppressing Israeli Jewish working class people so harshly that in 2011 450,000 Israelis (out of a small population of less than 8 million)—mostly Jews—demonstrated for many days against the Israeli government in protest of severe economic oppression. They had the support of 80% to 90% of the entire Israeli population. But they called off this wonderful mass movement when Netanyahu used the bogeyman Palestinian enemy ruse, telling them after a Hamas attack that they needed to call off the demonstrations and support their government that was protecting them from their “real enemy.”
This is how the Israeli haves control and oppress their own have-nots. So this explains why Israeli rulers never talk about the elephant in the living room.
But why don’t any (yes ANY!) rulers of OTHER nations talk about that proverbial elephant?
It’s because they too are on the side of the haves in their nation; they too are about controlling and oppressing their own have-nots. Why would they want (apologies for mixing animal metaphors here) to let the cat out of the bag? This is why they too refuse to mention that elephant in the living room.
Instead, they talk about “resolving the conflict” with the “two state solution.” This, as they know full well, keeps the conflict going by making the ethnic cleansing permanent instead of ending it.
This so-called “solution” says that a) Israel should remain what it is, a state that uses violent ethnic cleansing to drive non-Jews out of it and make the few that remain second-class citizens (since officially only Jews are the sovereign authority in Israel, and in reality only the Jewish billionaires and their agents are); and b) the ethnically cleansed Palestinians can have a postage-stamp-sized “statelet” that will be nominally independent but in fact totally dominated by Israel the way that nominally independent Gaza is, and that the Palestinians must forever forsake their Right of Return, the denial of which right is their #1 grievance!
With “solutions” like this the world’s haves can rest assured that the have-nots will remain under their thumb.
The people of the world, in larger and larger numbers, are seeing the elephant in the living room, and are aiming to REALLY solve the conflict, by removing the rich from power to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor: egalitarian revolution.
How is this not pie in the sky? Billions of people derive their sustenance from the status quo and they're not crying out for bread ( extreme deprivation seemingly being a precondition for overthrow of the ruling strata) A total reorganization of the economy, that is, a revolution, requires more than an awareness that the ultra rich are screwing everybody else. It requires, for one thing, organization of the revolutionary forces. This is something that the ruling class are experts at defusing.