Problem: Mayor of a Major Mexican City Decapitated by Drug Cartel Sept. 30. Solution: What Mexicans Did in the Town of Cherán
It's not complicated, just not what the ruling plutocrats want
The Problem:
The Solution:
Read more about this here.
Read here how YOU can help build the egalitarian revolutionary movement to do what the wonderful people in the Town of Cherán did but on an even larger scale.
Requesting knowledge you may have:
In my earlier analogous post about gang violence in Haiti I relied on mainstream (NYT) reporting about what it described as a ruthless violent gang killing innocent people. A reader wondered if perhaps the “gang” was actually good people rising up against the oppressive Haitian rulers and being falsely described in the media as a ruthless gang. If you have information to clear this up, please share it with me in a comment. Thank you.