Our Despicable Rulers Are Better than Us at One KEY Thing: Doing What It Takes to Get and Hold Onto Power. THAT Is the Problem. THAT Is What We Must Change.
Let's start talking about how to do this, for real.
Our genocidal oppressive violent lying hypocritical greedy immoral contemptible rulers are, alas, BETTER than us in one KEY respect: They are better at getting, and holding onto, power.
And this is why as much as we—the vast majority—fume and rage and demonstrate against and protest against (and would vote against if we were given the opportunity, which we are not) the horrible things our rulers do, they keep doing these horrible things because they have the power and we do not.
Our asshole rulers have learned—over many centuries of ruling over and dominating the have-nots—how to get and hold onto power. They have created for themselves a culture—a morality of the oppressor—that enables them to do whatever it takes to stay in power, no matter how violent or cruel or deceitful or hypocritical they must be.
Thus the 18th century American who made his living by breeding slaves and relying on a slavery system that inflicted scars like this
(and inflicted far worse atrocities that I have no photographs of), well this man gained himself a glorious reputation, even among people in the 21st century who hate slavery, by writing a very famous and supremely hypocritical document that declared:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Yeah. Right! They held those truths the way a man strangling a woman holds her neck.
The Founding Fathers were all enemies of We the People who used the rhetoric of equality and so forth merely as a means of fooling ordinary Americans whom they oppressed. When Americans realized this they revolted, as in Shays’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion, both of which George Washington repressed violently, as I wrote about here.
The Founding Fathers were the Jeff Bezoses and Bill Gateses of their day and their billionaire plutocracy descendants have managed to make most of the have-nots even today think they were wonderful people and that our lives would be so much better if only our government really obeyed the Constitution that they wrote to be better able to dominate and oppress We the People (as I explain here.)
Our despicable rulers are better than us at doing what it takes to get and hold onto power.
For us—the have-nots—to get and hold onto power we need to be better at it than our rulers are. This doesn’t mean that we need to do it the same WAY our rulers do. No! The things that a tiny oppressive minority must do to get and hold onto power are despicable things, such as lying to create a bogeyman enemy to control the have-nots and using extremely cruel and not at all self-defensive oppressive violence.
In contrast, the have-nots, being the vast majority, have ways of getting and remaining in power that are morally just. (Here’s how it might be done.) But let’s not kid ourselves. Violence in self-defense is one of those ways. To gain power we need to win the class war. Our rulers try to prevent us from knowing this, and so they tell us to adopt the stupid (yes, stupid!) philosophy of non-violence, whose founder, Mahatma Gandhi, gave a very important interview (cited here) with his biographer, Louis Fischer, reported in his The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (1950) pg. 348 (pg. 435 paperback edition) in which one reads:
“Hitler,” Gandhi said, “killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.”
Oh yeah! This is the philosophy our rulers want us to adopt. Do you wonder why?
Our rulers foist upon us a host of ideas (I discuss them in some detail here) that they want us to internalize so that we will be incapable of doing what it takes to remove our rulers from power. Our rulers are determined to keep people with positive moral values (no-rich-and-no-poor equality, mutual aid, fairness, truth) OUT of power, and messing with our brains is one way they do it. Our rulers are, alas, very skilled at foisting horrible ideas on us and getting us to internalize them, even to fight for them.
Remember that famous battle cry we Americans have all been taught in school?
"I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight."
Well, these words were spoken in response to a request to surrender. But unfortunately, when it comes to waging the fight to actually remove the rich from power, we the have-nots have truly not yet begun to fight and the question is whether we ever will.
To begin to fight we need FIRST to decide, and then proclaim, that we AIM to fight to remove the rich from power, to have real, not fake, democracy with no rich and no poor. (Like these good people all in my own zip code; click on and zoom in on any photo to read the sign they’re proudly displaying.) Doing this is the answer to the question, “What’s the first step to making our society truly equal and just?”
When we avoid taking this first step, by SUBSTITUTING for it other things such as saying we aim to tax the rich or raise the minimum wage or get money out of politics or make the government release the JFK assassination files or any other nice demand, then we are essentially declaring that we have decided NOT to fight for the POWER to make things right in our society.
Good argument with key citations; I will share this with others interested in this theme.
Well spoken John. First before any action, the sleeping 80% need to be woken up.