No! Being (supposedly) Anti-Israel or Anti-U.S. Does NOT Equate to Being Pro-Working-Class!
And NO! Just because a leader or organization has much popular support does NOT mean it is pro-working-class
Attention pro-working-class people. Please do not fall for the trap of believing that just because a leader or organization purports to be fighting an obvious enemy of the working class, that therefore it is on the side of the working class.
Here are some examples to illustrate this point, from earlier posts of mine:
Example #1. Hamas. Yes, Hamas purports to be fighting the Israeli government, which is an obvious enemy of the working class (not just the Palestinian but also the Jewish Israeli working class as I prove here). But as I show in great detail here, the Israeli government has for decades funded Hamas and it has (and still does even after October 7, 2023!) work to keep Hamas in power. This is because Hamas is NOT on the side of working class people, not even of Palestinian working class people, as I discuss here.
Example #2. Iran. Yes, Iran purports to be fighting the Israeli government (which, in case you didn’t read this in the above, is an obvious enemy of the working class), but Iran’s government is anti-working class (anti-Iranian working class) and because the Iranian government is anti-working class it refuses to destroy the Zionist project even though it could do so without even firing a single missile, as I explain here.
Example #3. Russia. Yes, Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine is aimed at defeating an obviously anti-working-class (anti-Ukrainian working class, both those who speak primarily Ukrainian and those who speak primarily Russian) regime. But the Russian government now led by Vladimir Putin is an anti-working-class (anti-Russian working class and also anti-working-class in general) government. I explain all of this in my article, “Ukraine and Egalitarianism: Why I support the Russian soldiers in Ukraine but do not support Putin in Russia” in which footnotes 9 and 15 give details about the anti-working-class character of the Russian government and the text of my article also discusses this in regards to Putin’s foreign policy.
Example #4. China. Yes, China is in conflict (potentially violent) with the United States government, an obvious enemy of the working class. But the government of China, led by the Communist Party of China, is an anti-working-class (anti-Chinese working class) government as I show in some detail here.
Example #5. Hezbollah. Yes, Hezbollah fights the government of Israel, an obvious enemy of the working class. But Hezbollah does not wage a CLASS war against the Zionist Israeli billionaire ruling class, which is the ONLY way to actually defeat that anti-working-class power. If Hezbollah waged the CLASS war against Zionism then it would explicitly inform the Israeli working class (and the world’s working class) that (as I prove here) the Israeli government, beholden to Israeli billionaires, violently oppresses Palestinians FOR THE PURPOSE of making Palestinians be a bogeyman enemy with which to frighten and cow into submission the Israeli Jewish working class, which the billionaires severely economically oppress and get rich off of. Hezbollah, with this message, would be seeking to win over the Israeli Jewish working class to the anti-Zionism side, and if it did that it would be on the road to also winning over the vast majority of the American public to the anti-Zionism side, and this would spell the defeat of Zionism. But Hezbollah does NOT do this because it would also mean strengthening the solidarity of the have-nots of the world against the billionaires of the world, and Hezbollah does NOT want to do that. (I wrote about this many years ago here.)
No! Just because a leader or organization has much popular working class support does NOT mean it is pro-working-class
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had enormous popular working class support when he introduced the New Deal reforms to head off a revolution in the United States. But FDR was as anti-working-class as could be, in both his aims and his use of violent repression against workers on strike. Read all about this in detail here. FDR also gained extra working class support by portraying himself as a leader of the Allies’ war against the obviously anti-working class German and Japanese fascists (but FDR kept secret the fact that his agenda was never primarily to defeat the fascists but rather to use fighting fascism as a PRETEXT for attacking working class people around the world as well as at home, as I prove in great detail in my free online book here.)
Vladimir Putin has much popular working class support in Russia. Putin has also gained extra support lately by launching the Special Military Operation in Ukraine because it is aimed at defeating notorious modern-day Nazis in Kiev who have been carrying out a violent ethnic cleansing against Russian speaking people in Ukraine.
Successful politicians have always been skilled at gaining popular working class support despite being anti-working class.
Nationalism is the Achilles Heel of the Working Class
The Achilles Heel (the great weakness) of the working class is nationalism, by which I mean the fatal mistake of relying on national categories (or, equivalently, the ‘cousin’ non-class categories of ethnicity, religion, race, etc.) for trying to understand what is in fact CLASS conflict, meaning the conflict between oppressive leaders/organizations/governments that treat ordinary people like dirt in order to obtain and enforce their great privilege and power and wealth, versus ordinary people (whom I call the have-nots.)
Nationalism (or its cousins) leads the have-nots to mistakenly perceive a leader or organization or government that purports to be on the side of “their” nation or religion or ethnicity or race, etc. as being actually on their side, on the side of the have-nots, when in fact they are not on the side of the have-nots.
Please do not fall for this trap!
The ONLY way to properly judge a leader or organization or government is on the basis of whether it is on the side of the have-not against those who oppress the have-nots, NOT on the basis of a) whether it is fighting an obvious enemy of the working class, or b) whether it purports to be on the side of the same nation or religion or ethnicity or race as the have-nots from whom it seeks support.
Great article! All governments are anti working class. Governments exist to protect the wealthy from us.
Yep, nationalism is a cult behavior.
I think we are transitioning to a place where a sizeable minority are seeing that governments are corrupt and only pretend to care about us.
"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."
"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."
Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!
I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.
What a joke.
To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.