Kidding aside,...The Mass Media is THOROUGHLY Anti-Working-Class
It's far more subtle than drawing horns coming out of the foreheads of working class people
What anti-working-class BS this newspaper article is!
This poor truck driver was simply stopping for a bit to check the directions to where he was delivering an overpass bridge, and the damned newspaper tells its readers he slammed into it. How long will this anti-working-class bias go unchecked?
OK, kidding aside,…
The fact really is that the mass media is anti-working-class; it censors the truth in order to enable the rich to divide-and-rule the have-nots and treat us like dirt. Here’s what I have in mind:
The mass media pits white and non-white working class people against each other with a false narrative that wrongly says that racial discrimination against non-whites benefits (“white privilege”) white working class people. The opposite is the case as you can read about here. The mass media hides this key truth for the purpose of fomenting divide-and-rule of the working class along race lines with the CRT (Critical Race Theory) conflict that is raging in American public schools today, as I discuss here. The mass media outright lies to portray blatant anti-white racial discrimination in a hospital as “anti-racism” and to portray as “neo-Nazi” any opposition to such racial discrimination, as I prove in detail here.
The mass media pits working class people who, to their credit, are sympathetic to Jews because they are horrified by the Holocaust, against working class people who are, to their credit, opposed to Israel because of its decades-long violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and current genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. The mass media does this by censoring the KEY FACT that Israeli violence against Palestinians in NOT at all for the purpose of making Israeli Jews safe. The mass media censors all of the following in order to make some working class people view other working class people as an immoral enemy when in fact they both want the SAME thing:
The Censored KEY FACT: Israeli violence against Palestinians is for the purpose of OPPRESSING ORDINARY ISRAELI JEWS. Zionist violence is designed to make the Palestinians a bogeyman enemy that the billionaire rulers of Israel pretend to protect Israeli Jews from (while funding Hamas and working to keep it in power to make the bogeyman enemy maximally frightening) and thereby control and severely economically oppress and get rich off of the Israeli Jewish working class. This is all proved in my key articles here and here and here and here. Read them if you don’t understand what the real purpose of Zionist violence is!
The mass media censors the truth about the war between Ukraine and Russia to pit the American working class against working class people in Russia and elsewhere. The media falsely tells Americans that Ukraine’s rulers are good guys defending democracy and that Russia invaded Ukraine for purely evil purposes. The media censors the truth, which I discuss here.
Note: “Slava Ukraini” means Glory to Ukraine
The mass media censors the truth about all sorts of “social issues” (woke, etc.) to make working class people fear each other as horrible immoral or dangerously stupid people, as I discuss in some detail here.
The mass media has the gall to tell us that the rich people who attacked working class people in the first days of the United States were the good guys. This is what all the mass--media adulation of our “Founding Fathers” amounts to, as I discuss here.