Here's Why the Authorities--ALL of THEM!--Refuse to Debate Any Critic of the ABSURD Official 'Magic Bullet' Lone Gunman JFK Assassination Fairy Tale
It's gaslighting of the have-nots, likewise done to suppress all key truths: 9/11, need to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations, C02, 'unprovoked' Russian aggression in Ukraine, Gulf of Tonkin, etc. etc.
The Authorities' Refusal to Debate the Critics of their Pronouncements is Proof that they are Making Unfounded Assertions, Likely LIES
They never engage in a public debate with serious critics of their official stories about the JFK assassination ‘magic bullet’ or 9/11 or Covid-19 mandatory vaccinations, or C02 supposedly causing catastrophic global warming, or the 'rightness' of arming Ukraine against Russia, etc.
The “magic bullet” in the JFK assassination, pictured above, is literally incredible (not believable) and yet it is the key “fact” in the official Warren Commission, mass-media-endorsed and never-refuted-by-politicians account of the assassination that says the assassination was the act of one single lone gunman and hence not a conspiracy. The American public doesn’t believe it.
As these U.S. opinion poll results show, the American public does not trust the authoritative mass-media-endorsed story of an event that is arguably one of the most important events in modern U.S. history: the JFK assassination.
The officials in the Warren Commission never defended their assassination story in the presence of a serious critic, in a fair debate before the public. Nor have U.S. government officers ever done so, although they all endorse the Warren Commission “magic bullet” theory.
The total coverup of the truth of the assassination with a flimsy impossible-to-believe ‘magic bullet’ story that no politician or news media ever questions shows, in and of itself, that there was a conspiracy of very powerful people behind the assassination. Otherwise, why the total silence by all the powerful people about the absurd ‘magic bullet’ theory?
The same lack of any serious public debate between the authorities (or the politicians or mass media who endorse their stories) versus any of their serious critics holds with respect events such as:
Gulf of Tonkin (pretext for the War in Vietnam)
9/11 (pretext for the War on Terror)
WMD (pretext for the invasion of Iraq)
“Unprovoked” Russian invasion of Ukraine (pretext for the proxy war on Russia)
supposed need for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations and lockdown
Many Americans say there needs to be new independent investigation of the 9/11 attacks:
Furthermore, the mass media never engage in serious investigative journalism to determine if critics of the official story of such events as those listed below have credible evidence; they just ignore the critics or dismiss them as not worth paying attention to.
MLK, Jr. assassination
Malcolm X assassination
supposed Chechen perpetration of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings
official accounts of mass shootings (e.g., Las Vegas)
C02 from fossil fuel supposedly causing catastrophic global warming
This unwillingness by the authorities to engage in serious public debate with critics of their pronouncements means that the authorities have no persuasive evidence for them and that they are very likely lies.
In 1968 I organized a Vietnam War Teach-In at Dartmouth College. I invited top critics of the war and also the Under Secretary of State for Southeast Asian Affairs to be on a panel to debate the war in front of hundreds (standing room only) of Dartmouth students, most of whom were pro-war and came to the teach-in hoping to see the anti-war side get trounced by the Under Secretary of State. As it turned out, the anti-war side trounced the pro-war government representative by showing that all he had to defend the war was lies. The initially pro-war students left the teach-in as anti-war students. I heard that the government never sent a representative to debate the war after this (from the government’s point of view) debacle.
The refusal of the mass media to do proper journalism by investigating the evidence provided by critics of the official stories and thereby persuasively refuting or endorsing (as the case may be) what the critics say, lets unfounded assertions by the authorities go unchallenged. This ensures that the public will be divided with some trusting the authorities and others persuaded by the critics. This may be a key reason why the mass media don’t do the proper investigative journalism they ought to do. The reason is certainly not that it would be bad for sales and subscriptions; the public would LOVE to see such investigative journalism.
The missing word, “alleged,” in the mass media
Our society is now one in which the truth is routinely suppressed. The mass media, which correctly inserts the word “alleged” to qualify accusations of unlawful behavior against people before they have been found guilty in a court of law, never—as they ought to—insert this word to quality government pronouncements that have not yet survived the challenge of one or more public debates with serious critics (analogous to a proper trial in a court of law). The mass media ought ALWAYS to insert the word “alleged” in these cases. Their refusal to do so shows that the mass media are under the control of the same ruling billionaire plutocracy that controls the government. (The mass media is about six huge corporations that are obviously owned by the very rich.)
Oppressive societies must suppress the truth; that’s how they control the have-nots
Respect for the truth is a key principle of a good society. Oppressive societies must suppress the truth; that’s how they control the have-nots. Suppressing the truth by asserting things that most people know are lies—such as the “magic bullet” nonsense—is a form of gaslighting; it’s a way of telling people that they must be crazy if they don’t agree with the asserted lie. This is a way of telling people that they are unfit to have a real say in society.
Furthermore, when the mass media asserts as true a story that the ruling class uses to make people think they must obey the government (such as all the various pretexts for wars) then even when many people believe the story is false the mass media’s assertion of it without any indication that it is only “alleged” makes it seem to anyone who disagrees with the assertion that they are all alone in feeling that way, and that therefore they would be well-advised to keep their mouth shut about their disagreement. I discuss this further here.
Most people may be reluctant to tell lies, to steal, to kill. However some pathological people seem to have no compunction about lying, stealing, or killing. And so many of them succeed in getting into "leadership" positions of government and other institutions.
thanks John for writing this. I accept your analysis and rational for configuring society along egalitarian principles. I grapple with what will conceivably motivate people to organize and take a strong stand. Many classical leftists appeal to class war, taking down the plutocrats, and changing society. But, the working classes don't seem to rally around opposition to the plutocracy, I suppose on the false grounds that maybe someday, I too, could get really rich, and would want to keep my wealth. However, the vast majority in society do want fairness, access to education, good clean nourishing food, a place to call home, heat in the winter, electricity year round; and health care, and time for a vacation. But, for all of this desire, there really isn't much of a groundswell of critique of the power elite. This is why I think calling out the big and most significant state crimes, like the JFK assassination, the others in the 1960's; Iran / Contra; the 9/11 attacks and subsequent anthrax attack, and now the Covid "plandemic" and the Ukraine and now Gaza wars: all founded on deception to cover up the brazen power grab each event represents. I feel that by addressing state crimes and teh big lies that cover them up, we can inspire a core group of egalitarians to take the fight to the door step of the state. There are a lot of people in the truth movement struggling, and getting the egalitarians to speak to the same concerns can grow the movement.