CENSORED: The Truth about Mass Migration to the U.S. from Central & South America that, If Known, Would UNIFY the Have-Nots Against the Ruling Billionaire Plutocracy
Here's an example of the censorship
Read the full Newsbreak.com article here.
What’s Missing From This Article?
If you read this Newsbreak article you will see that it is all about how there’s no room in Massachusetts to properly shelter the huge number of immigrants from Haiti and South and Central America that are seeking asylum and flying into Massachusetts’s Logan airport in Boston.
The article reports, “A record-setting 276,000 asylum seekers entered the US from Mexico in December, capping a record-breaking year — and forcing Biden to admit that ‘massive changes’ in immigration policy are necessary.” The article is all about how Massachusetts needs more money from the federal government to handle this problem.
Do you see what’s missing from this article?
In the conservative press we read about how Massachusetts Governor Healey has already asked people to volunteer to house immigrants in their homes, and how before long, according the the conservatives, this will be mandatory, not voluntary.
In related news there are headlines about people in Texas calling for Texas to secede from the union (“Texit”) because the Supreme Court upheld the federal government in removing barbed wire that Texas placed to obstruct migrants from crossing the border into Texas.
Do you see what’s missing from ALL of these articles?
Here’s the Key UNIFYING Truth that Is Missing from ALL of the Mainstream Reporting, Both Liberal and Conservative
The censored KEY fact is this:
The reason there are so many people south of our border trying to enter the United States is because the U.S. ruling billionaire plutocracy has, for decades regardless of which party was in power, been doing things south of our border to FORCE millions of poor people to immigrate legally or illegally to the United States just in order to SURVIVE. Please read some (not all, because here are many more!) of the gory details about this here, where I show not only that this is true but also explain WHY it is happening. (It’s about making American citizens have to compete against cheap labor and about creating a scapegoat to control and divide Americans. Our rulers also seem to want to recruit non-citizen foreign immigrants into our police forces and military force because they will be more willing than American citizens to obey orders to attack Americans.)
If the U.S. general public knew this KEY fact—the reason WHY so many people are trying to immigrate to the U.S. from south of our border—then the general public would be directing its very understandable anger—at the very real problems that this massive immigration causes—against the ruling billionaire plutocracy for deliberately CREATING these problems. This properly directed anger would not be deflected into things like “Texit” or demands to deport the unfortunate immigrants.
This properly directed anger would demand that the ruling billionaire plutocracy STOP forcing people to immigrate just to survive. It would demand that the ruling billionaire plutocracy stop supporting the oppressive ruling classes south of our border and instead allow the good people there to remove the those oppressive ruling classes and make their societies places where people would want to stay, not flee from. This is what the immigrants want most of all! This properly directed anger, based on knowledge of the currently censored truth, would unite most American citizens with most of the illegal immigrants.
In the meantime…
In the meantime, there are billions of dollars in the pockets of our billionaire ruling plutocracy that could and should be used to build all the proper housing these immigrants need and pay for all the services they require. There are billions of our already-taxed dollars that could and should have been used for this purpose instead of, as currently, to provide weapons for the Nazi-Kiev government to use to commit ethnic cleansing of Russian-speaking people in the Donbass region (formerly) of Ukraine, as I discuss here. This unjust U.S. proxy war in Ukraine has driven many Ukrainians to flee and this also adds to the immigration to the United States.
Now you know why the Key truth about the mass immigration is censored. Our rulers fear what would happen if the truth got out.
Only YOU can spread the truth. The mass media only censor it. Please share this.
Great post John - I agree with you - immigrants are made the scapegoats for what the ruling class has been doing in these countries for decades. Literally they have treated these countries with lax regulation as the wild west. This is the challenge of the global war mongering agenda that displaces people from their lands
I just noticed that faceboot today is full of people talking about the immigration issue and supporting Texas and only one post about the historic ICJ ruling. The feed I get is what faceboot wants me to see, of course.