Adjunct Professors On Strike Against Being Treated Like Dirt by a CEO paid $799K + $300K Bonus
The students are ALSO being treated like dirt: class room size going from 20 to 85
Read the full article here., which provides the sordid details about what a greedy selfish CEO is inflicting on the adjunct professors.
It’s because we live in a dictatorship of the rich.
In a decent, fair, just, society—an egalitarian society—the people setting policy for Columbia College would be ALL of the people who work there, all with an equal say in democratic decision-making. All the people who work there would, by virtue of contributing reasonably according to ability, be members in good standing of the sharing economy; this means they could take—for free—what they need or reasonably desire from the economy, and get scarce things that are equitably rationed according to need. This applies to everybody in the society. There would thus be no rich and no poor.
The ONLY authority above the people who work at Columbia College would be the Local Assembly of Egalitarians. All the people in the local community who support the values of no-rich-and-no-poor equality and mutual aid and fairness, and ONLY they, have the right to participate as equals in this assembly to democratically write the ONLY laws that everybody in the local community must obey. This Assembly, not a despicable CEO, would decide whether or not Columbia College ought to be made smaller, offer fewer courses and increase class size dramatically.
There would be no $799K + $300K bonus CEO calling the shots!
This is HOW things should be.
Most people WANT things to be this way.
What does it take to MAKE things be this way? It requires that we DECIDE to make things be that way.